開辦的英文 開辦用英語怎麼說?
open adj.開著的;露天的;展開的;營業著的;對…開放;坦率的;坦誠的;懸而未決的;容許爭議的;開的;開放的;開路的;斷路的;鬆散的
set up 建立, 創立;安排, 策劃;發出聲響
start v.發生;開始;使開始;使發生;驚起;驚跳
found adj.偶然(或意外)發現的;裝備好的;原生態表現在藝術品(或音樂)中的;原汁原味的;原生態素材的;找到的拾得的
establish v.設立;建立;制定;確立;使(風俗;信仰;慣例;制度)得到永久承認;證實;查明;確定;使…花色所剩的牌都能贏
常用 權威
1. 開辦費
seed money; initial expenditure/cost/outlay; preliminary expenses; start-up cost; organization costs/expenses
2. 開辦商店
set up a shop
3. 開辦基金
initial fund
4. 開辦稅
organization tax
5. 開辦人民幣業務
engage in RMB business
1. 蘇正在考慮開辦
Sue is thinking of starting an English club.
2. 布里奇斯為所有年齡的人開辦舞蹈班。
Bridges runs dance classes for all ages.
3. 在母親的幫助下,簡c開辦了她的第一個檸檬水攤檔。
With the help of her mother, Jane set up her first lemonade stand (攤檔).
4. 我父親自己開辦牙科診所。
My father has his own dental practice.
5. 他們合資開辦一家小飯館。
They have pooled their resources to open a small restaurant. / They went in together to start a small restaurant. / They invested jointly in opening/starting a small restaurant.
6. 她開始教書並開辦了自己的學校。
She began to teach and opened her own school.
7. 那所學院開辦的目的是為了促進科學研究。
The Institute was opened with the object of promoting scientific study.
8. 我們要為沒有及早開辦這項服務表示歉意。
We would like to apologize for the late running of this service.
9. 你可以開辦一箇中國曆史俱樂部。
You could start a Chinese History Clup.
10. 該機構同樣在印度開辦了商學院。
The ICFAI also has opened business schools in India.
動詞 open; set up; start; found; establish
1. 我父親自己開辦牙科診所。
My father has his own dental practice.
2. 開辦學校
set up a school; start/run a school
3. 開辦商行
establish/launch/open/start a commercial firm
4. 開辦商店
establish/open a shop
5. 開辦人民幣業務
engage in RMB business
6. 開辦培訓班
institute/start/hold a training course
7. 開辦企業
establish/launch/run a business
8. 開辦工廠
open up a factory; start a factory