天人合一的英文 天人合一用英語怎麼說?
Heaven and man are identical. / Man is an integral part of nature.
常用 重點詞彙
1. 中國人歷來相信天人合一,主張整體觀.
Traditional Chinese people believe in oneness andand advocate holism.
2. 天人合一是中國哲學和美學的基本命題.
The unity of man nature is the basic preposition in Chinese philosophy and aesthetics.
3. 向內故主合,在哲學為天人合一,在歷史為中華一統;
House co-master in philosophy for the harmony between man and nature, in history for the unification of China;
4. 天人合一,難道生活在茹毛飲血的原始時代才是最好?
Don't tell me that eating raw meat like a primitive person is the best way to be.
5. 老子的思想是自然、平衡、融合、天人合一
The thoughts of Laozi lie in natural, balance, merge, integration of nature and human, as well as all creature's relations.
6. 上海濱江度假中心是“天人合一,迴歸大自然,天然氧吧”的好場所。
Shanghai Binjiang Entertainment Center is well-known as a natural oxygen bar, you will relax and enjoy the nature completely here.
7. 應變建築來源自然用於當今建築設計,以實現天人合一的人文建築理想。
Strain natural sources for the current architectural design, in order to achieve harmony between man and nature of the humanities building ideals.
8. 如果您無法理解這種結合,只需明瞭的理解為中國道家文化的天人合一。
If you are unable to understand this kind of union, only must understand the understanding gathers for the Chinese Taoism culture beauty one.
9. 儘管如此,光看二元對立經驗中的衝勁與活力,小我的存在似乎比天人合一更有實現的可能。
But, still, by virtue of the polarized dynamics, it does seem to represent a more real opportunity than union with God does.
10. 我人生的目標是給予這世界我有福分去得到的東西:透過我的音樂與舞蹈實現天人合一所帶來的狂喜。
My goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.
天人合一是《黃帝內經》的思想詮釋,《內經》天地人系統中人與天相通的總原則是:同氣相求,同類相應。順則為利,逆則為害。《淮南子·精神訓》曰:“天地運而相通,萬物總而為一”。 “運而相通”指運動過程中的相通關係,而不是靜態空間裡的結構聯絡。“總而為一”指運動方式的同氣相求,而不是物質結構的等量齊觀。 即,天人合一的醫學內涵主要是指人作為“小宇宙”是如何與天地這個大宇宙相應的,其中,人天同構是《內經》天人合一觀的最粗淺的層次,人天同象與同類則是中醫取象比類思想的具體體現,人天同數則是人與天氣運數理的相應。總之,這是將生命過程及其運動方式與自然規律進行類比,是以自然法則為基質,以人事法則為歸宿的系統理論。
Heaven and man are identical. / Man is an integral part of nature.