違法的英文 違法用英語怎麼說?
break/violate/infringe the law; be illegal
常用 權威
1. 嚴重違法
serious violation of law
2. 違法人員
3. 違法生意
illicit business
4. 違法活動
illegal activity
5. 違法行為
illegal act; unlawful practice
6. 違法必究
violations of laws must be investigated and dealt with; offenders/violators must be prosecuted
7. 違法建築
illegal building; illegally constructed building
8. 違法亂紀
commit malfeasance; violate the law and discipline; break the law and violate discipline
9. 交通違法罰單
10. 違法犯罪分子
offenders and criminals
11. 違法佔用耕地
illegal appropriation of farmland
12. 嚴懲幹部違法亂紀行為
crack down on official malpractice
1. 違法的那些人可能不會受到懲罰。
Those who break the law may not be punished.
2. 有法必依,執法必嚴,違法必究。
Laws must be observed and strictly enforced and violators must be brought to justice.
3. 休怪我拒絕你,這樣做是違法的。
Don’t blame me for turning you down. What you suggest is illegal.
4. 對違法行為,我們不能聽之任之。
We cannot shut our eyes to illegal acts.
5. 夜晚行車不開頭燈是違法的。
It is illegal to drive without headlights on at night.
6. 法官裁定他的行為違法。
The judge ruled his action illegal.
7. 獵捕珍稀動物是違法的。
It is illegal to hunt rare animals.
8. 違法是要承擔後果的。
If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.
9. 獵殺老虎是違法的。
It is illegal to hunt and kill tigers.
10. 違法的就要取締。
Anything that violates the law must be suppressed.
違法行為是指違反國家現行法律規定,危害法律所保護的社會關係的行為。 按照情節嚴重程度分為一般違法行為和嚴重違法行為(即犯罪行為)。按照其違反的法律,可分為行政違法行為、民事違法行為、刑事違法行為和違憲行為。
動詞 break/violate/infringe the law; be illegal
1. 嚴重違法
serious violation of law
2. 違法佔用耕地
illegal appropriation of farmland
3. 違法所得
illegal gains/income
4. 違法人員
5. 違法活動
illegal activity
6. 違法犯罪分子
offenders and criminals
7. 幹違法的事
do sth illegal; commit offences/crimes