班門弄斧的英文 班門弄斧用英語怎麼說?
show off one's skill with the axe before Lu Ban (the master carpenter)—show off one's skill before an expert; parade one's learning before a great scholar; teach fish (how) to swim; teach one's grandma to suck eggs
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 在你面前班門弄斧,太不好意思了。
I'm making a fool of myself trying to show off before an expert like you.
2. 他目中無人,在大庭廣眾之下班門弄斧.
He was overweening and displayed his slight skill before an expert on a public occasion.
3. 試圖告訴警察有關手槍的知識如同班門弄斧。
Trying to tell a policeman how to use a gun is like teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs.
4. [諺]不要班門弄斧.
Do not try to teach your grandmother to such eggs.
5. 對有經驗的老手而言,他們就像在班門弄斧。
For the experienced, they are teaching a fish how to swim.
6. 試圖告訴哈羅德有關手槍事宜如同班門弄斧.
Trying to tell Harold anything about pistols is like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.
7. 我可不敢班門弄斧.
I dare not show my slight skills before an expert.
8. 你的菜煮得比我好,我當然就不想班門弄斧了。
Your cooking is better than mine, and I certainly prefer not having to bother to cook at all.
9. “班門弄斧”這個成語,用來在行家面前顯示本領.
This idiom excoriates those who show accomplishments in front experts.
10. 但我已經使我的事業掙了30年的錢了,所以他是在故意班門弄斧。
But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim.
班門弄斧,是漢語成語,意指在魯班門前舞弄斧頭,還比喻在行家面前賣弄本領。例句有“聞得亭亭姐姐學問淵博,妹子何敢班門弄斧,同他亂談”。 該成語出自宋代歐陽修《與梅聖俞書》:“昨在真定,有詩七八首,今錄去,班門弄斧,可笑可笑”。偏正式,用作謂語、定語、狀語、賓語,含貶義。 相關近義詞有貽笑大方、布鼓雷門,反義詞有自知之明、虛懷若谷、知人之明。
null詞 show off one's skill with the axe before Lu Ban (the master carpenter)—show off one's skill before an expert; parade one's learning before a great scholar; teach fish (how) to swim; teach one's grandma to suck eggs
show off one's skill with the axe before Lu Ban (the master carpenter)—show off one's skill before an expert; parade one's learning before a great scholar; teach fish (how) to swim; teach one's grandma to suck eggs