在拐角處的英文 在拐角處用英語怎麼說?
around the corner 即將來臨;在拐角處
常用 重點詞彙
1. 當交通燈變紅時,一輛汽車突然出現在拐角處。
While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.
2. 望風的人站在拐角處盯著警察。
The lookout was standing on the corner watching for police.
3. 他閃電般地消失在
He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning.
4. 一輛公共汽車出現在拐角處。
A bus appeared round the corner.
5. 奧哈拉駕駛摩托車在拐角處突然轉彎。
[with obj.]O'Hara swerved the motorcycle round the corner.
6. 他們在拐角處分開,同意兩小時內再碰頭。
They separated at the corner, agreeing to meet within two hours.
7. 我快快地在拐角處轉彎。
I jouked around the corner.
8. 把糕點切成正方形,然後在拐角處翻過來。
Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.
9. 那是她在拐角處的房子。
That's her house on the corner.
10. 他看著小狗,直到它消失在拐角處。
And he watched the dog until it disappeared round the corner.
around the corner