緊身褲的英文 緊身褲用英語怎麼說?
skinny pants 緊身褲;窄腳褲
panty girdle n.綁腹健美褲;緊身襯褲
1. 她穿著那條緊身褲,樣子很滑稽.
She looks ridiculous in those tight trousers.
2. 自豪地穿上那條黑黃條紋緊身褲。
Wear those stripy legs with pride.
3. 菲利普穿上了他的黑襯衣,緊身褲。
Philippe put on his black shirt and tights.
4. 滑雪時緊身褲的胸前部分.
Bibbed overalls worn while skiing.
5. 現在緊身褲很不流行.
Narrow trousers are very much out of fashion.
6. 在服裝方面,要避免穿牛仔褲、緊身褲及高跟鞋。
In the clothing, to avoid wearing jeans, leggings and high heels.
7. 麥克,緊身褲和超快跑車不會讓你成為蝙蝠俠的。
Tight pants and fast cars don't make you Batman, Mike.
8. 把那些富於曲線的襯衫、緊身褲、露臍衫留在家裡。
Leave the slinky shirts, tight pants and cut off t-shirts at home.
9. 穿長度到腳跟的褲子,避免卷邊褲子,卡普里式緊身褲。
Wear pants that reach the bottom of your heel. Stay away from cuffed pants, capris, and cargoes.
10. 很快你就會發現你能享用你喜歡的食物的同時, 緊身褲也能穿了。
You'll quickly find that you can enjoy your favorite foods and your skinny jeans at the same time.
緊身褲又稱內搭褲,從腰部到腳的緊身長褲。由於它的穿著方式類似褲襪,因此又稱內搭襪、無底襪。在1980年代初期,婦女時興穿戴緊身褲做健身和有氧運動。 2005年開始,時尚趨勢是穿迷你裙配黑緊身褲。也有人稱“內搭襪”,型別屬於褲襪,是無法包覆腳掌的襪子,穿著時襪口大致介於膝蓋至腳踝間。同褲襪一樣,質料很多,有棉質、尼龍、羊毛混紡等。