影響深遠的英文 影響深遠用英語怎麼說?
have a far-reaching influence
have far-reaching influence
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一系列影響深遠的政治改革。
A series of far-reaching political reforms.
2. 他對英國足球運動影響深遠。
He left his mark on English football.
3. 但是對觀眾影響深遠,為什麼呢?
And this had an enormous effect on the audience. What was it?
4. 所以較其它種類茶館規模大,影響深遠。
So large compared with other types of eta, far-reaching.
5. 柏拉圖的詩論具有原創性,對後世影響深遠。
Plato's poetics are original and far-reaching in the world.
6. 他在貨幣危機和匯率方面的研究也影響深遠.
And his work on currency crises and exchange rates has been highly influential.
7. 部落格的影響深遠悠長,背後的原因多種多樣。
The impact of blogs has been far-reaching, and the reasons are many.
8. 查理- 帕克對於現代爵士樂的影響深遠至今。
Charlie Parker's influence on modern jazz music continues to live.
9. 美財政部長史蒂文·努欽稱經濟制裁將影響深遠。
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the economic sanctions will have a serious impact.
10. 從這個比例中,一些影響深遠的挑戰湧現出來了。
From that ratio, a number of profound challenges flow.
affect; influence; impact; impinge; effect; hearsay; gossipy
profound and lasting; far-reaching