變向的英文 變向用英語怎麼說?
break-in n.非法闖入;破門而入
1. 存在變向罰款的捐款箱。
There is a fine change to the donation box.
2. 我前面那輛汽車的變向指示燈示意要向左拐彎.
The car in front of me was indicating to turn left.
3. 一顆子彈擊中了他的鋼盔後(變向)飛了出去.
A bullet struck his helmet and was deflected from its course.
4. 那中衛假裝向前跑,接著突然變向朝左跑,把球帶向另一邊。
The halfback pretended to run forward, then cut back to his left and took the ball the other way.
5. 但是薩哈本身就處於越位位置,這球基本上只是一個變向傳球。
But he took advantage of an offside position and it was a deflected ball basically.
6. 而且它們像獵豹一樣能用尾巴保持平衡,讓它們在高速奔跑時可以變向
And, like a Cheetah, they use their long tail as a counter balance to help them change directions when they're running at top speed.
7. 注意:這個變向保護點減小了衝墜係數,但增加了確保錨點的潛在衝擊力。
Attention: thisredirect reduces the fall factor, but increases the potential force onthe belay anchors.
8. 皮爾洛該死的一腳射門偏離了利物浦的球門不料碰到因扎吉的胸部變向飛過了絕望的雷納。
Pirlo blasted the kick wide of the Liverpool wall only to see it deflected off Inzaghi's chest past the despairing Pepe Reina.
9. 為了達到這樣的效果,小組改變了光透過玻璃方式,是透過製造了個毫米尺寸的單片玻璃空間變向轉換器。
To do so, the team altered the way light passes through glass by creating millimeter-sized devices called monolithic glass space-variant converters.
10. 最高光的時刻是給貝拉米和庫伊特的傳球,以及在切爾西開場階段的高壓下不知疲倦的奔跑和靈活的變向過人。
He was at his best slipping Craig Bellamy and Dirk Kuyt, such willing runners, through Chelsea's obligatory high line in the opening period with clever reverse passes aplenty.
體前變向,英文原名當作killer crossover,美國人之所以給動作取這麼個霸氣的名字,我以為是因為動作能對對手造成最直接、迅速的殺傷。 體前兩字很好理解,即皮球從身體前面穿過;但請注意變向一定是重心的變化。具體形式有普通的左右手換手運球,持球體前變向(喬丹有專門的影片教程)和單手體前變向。