能勝任的英文 能勝任用英語怎麼說?
feel up to 感到可以做;覺得勝任
常用 重點詞彙
1. 當然,對畢業生來說,念大學的好處不僅僅在於能勝任工作。
Certainly, there're benefits to a college major beyond the job a student can perform.
2. 他們都是可靠的公民,都能勝任下院議員的工作。
They're all solid citizens, all capable of making a good fist of being an MP.
3. 做好你的工作,相信自己能勝任。
Do your business carefully, tust yourself that you can competent for your job.
4. 我們可以保證他能勝任編輯工作.
We can certify for him competence as an editor.
5. 準時上班,必要時並能勝任加班。
Work on time and be able to work overtime when necessary.
6. 她能勝任
Her fitness for the job should not be questioned.
7. 你為什麼認為你能勝任這個工作?
Why do you think you are qualified for this postion?
8. 你覺得弗雷德能勝任這份工作嗎?
John: Do you think Fred is okay for the job?
9. 這兩個姑娘誰都能勝任這個工作。
Either of the girls is capable of doing the job.
10. 熱愛工作的人任何工作都能勝任。
Love makes one fit for any work.
feel up to