防身的英文 防身用英語怎麼說?
defend oneself against violence; protect oneself
常用 權威
1. 防身術
art of self-defence
2. 防身武器
weapons for self-defence;defensive weapon
3. 防身招數
self-protection techniques
4. 安全防身包
safety handbag
1. 他用學到的防身術幫警察抓住那名持槍搶劫犯。
He put his self-defence training into practice by helping police arrest the armed robber.
2. 武器必須能防身,並經過訓練。
The weapons must be defensive and training provided.
3. 他說過:鎧甲就是鎧甲,用來防身,而非裝飾。
Steel was steel; it was meant for protection, not ornament.
4. 當然,這把槍支有過註冊,但是我只是用來防身。
The gun is registered, of course, but I only carry it with me when I think there might be trouble.
5. 培訓內容:安全意識、安全防衛理念、安全防身技能。
Three, the training of safety consciousness, safety concept, safety defense self-defense skills.
6. 我學過一點空手道,用來防身的;另外還學過一點太極拳.
I learned some karate for self - defense and I learned some shadow - boxing.
7. 女孩們應該永遠,經常隨身帶一些像胡椒噴霧,或是小剪刀之類的東西防身;
Girls should always, always keep a self defense object like a pepper spray or a small scissor on them.
8. 有了一技防身,小紅帽一家過上了幸福快樂的生活,她們不再擔心大灰狼回來尋仇。
With a skill for self-defense, the Little Red Riding Hood to lead a happy family life, they no longer have to worry about big gray wolves back revenge.
9. 我一聽就慌了,連忙去操起肥皂當做武器防身,結果滑了一跤,腦袋正好磕在水龍頭上。
Panicked, I went to grab the soap bar as a weapon, slipped, fell and hit my head on the faucet.
動詞 defend oneself against violence; protect oneself
1. 防身招數
self-protection techniques
2. 防身武器
weapons for self-defence