課堂作業的英文 課堂作業用英語怎麼說?
classwork n.課堂作業
常用 重點詞彙
1. 教師: 這是一個課堂作業的大論題.
Teachers: This is a great topic for classwork.
2. 有課程圖書館網頁支援學生的課堂作業。
A course library page supports student work on class assignments .
3. 課堂作業則包括三篇分析論文的簡報與口頭報告.
Class assignments include three brief analytical papers and one oral presentation.
4. 學生將被要求練習現場的課堂作業和定期的程式作業。
Students are required to do programming practice in class and take-home program assignments.
5. 網頁上包含了延伸閱讀的資料, 以及課堂作業,的範本.
This web site contains an extensive reading list, and sample assignments.
6. 瓊:有嗎?我只是有點焦慮。昨天我一整夜都在趕著完成課堂作業
Joan: Am I? I am a little wired. I've been up all night trying to finish an assignment for one of my classes.
7. 這位機智的設計師表示,這個豆莢創意來自於一個課堂作業,要求學生們對他們丟棄的第一件廢棄物品進行重新設計。
The savvy designer said that the pod came about from a class where students were tasked to redesign the first piece of trash they threw out.
8. 課堂作業和課後作業包括對實際組裝的分析,部件配合的機械結構,以及一個貫穿整個學期的工程,還包括案例學習和當前的研究.
Practice the systematic process on a semester - long project of your own.
9. 2007年,克里斯汀娜學區同樣惹來了爭議。他們開除了一個7年級女生,該女生為完成課堂作業,用一把多用刀給一座紙房子開窗戶。
The Christina school district attracted similar controversy in 2007 when it expelled a seventh-grade girl who had used a utility knife to cut windows out of a paper house for a class project.
classroom; schoolroom
school assignment; school work; homework; military assignment; production task; work; operation; perform a military/productive task