詞彙學的英文 詞彙學用英語怎麼說?
lexicology n.詞彙學
常用 重點詞彙
1. 詞彙學對語言學老師也很有幫助。
Language teachers will find lexicology even more helpful.
2. 從詞彙學的角度論英語新詞;
The study of English neologism from…
3. 論述了語料庫實證研究對詞彙學的影響和作用.
This paper comments on the effect of corpus empirical studies on lexicology.
4. 採用詞彙學假設,探討了知識分子的人格結構。
Personality structure of intellectuals are explored based on the hypothesis of lexicology.
5. 第三章從詞彙學角度的構詞造詞方面對這些綽號進行分析;
The third is to show the nicknames based on the word-formation and coinage;
6. 對於詞彙關係的研究在語義學和詞彙學領域已有很長曆史.
The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology.
7. 掌握詞彙學知識,老師就能嫻熟地處理材料,尤其是有關詞彙的材料。
With some knowledge of lexicology, they will be able to handle the teaching material, particularly those concerning word more professionally.
8. 透過研究英語新詞的來源及構成,從詞彙學和辭格的角度對英語新詞進行了全新的闡釋。
By researching into the source and formation of English neologisms, a new interpretation is given to English neologisms from the angle of lexicology and rhetoric.
9. 從詞彙學的角度來研究方言,進行方言特徵詞的研究是近幾年來方言研究中引人關注的一部分。
The study on the Character-Words of dialect is a part that attracts much attention in the study of dialect recently.
10. 對這一現象的認知語言學解釋是:把戰爭的“源域”對映到股市的“目的域”中,從詞彙學上看是對“行業語”的借用;
A cognitive approach to this phenomenon is that the source domain of war is mapped on the target domain of stock market.
詞彙學(又稱詞彙語義學)是語義學的一個分支學科。 詞彙學是以語言的詞彙為研究物件,研究詞彙的起源和發展、詞的構造、構成及規範,分為歷史詞彙學、描寫詞彙學和普通詞彙學。前期詞彙學注重分類,而現代詞彙學著重理論模式的建立,力求把已有的分類放在符號與公式的基礎上,提高它的精密性和可驗證性。