受懲罰的英文 受懲罰用英語怎麼說?
catch hell 受懲罰;被斥責
常用 重點詞彙
1. 人人都有罪,但並非人人受懲罰。
Many without punishment, none without sin.
2. 任何人犯了法,都要當眾受懲罰。
Anybody who breaks the law should be punished in public.
3. 任何人都不能不受懲罰地藐視法律。
No one can flout the law with impunity .
4. 他該受獎勵而不應該受
Rather than being punished, he should be rewarded.
5. 本課屬強制性出席, 無故缺席者將受懲罰.
Section attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absence from section will be penalized.
6. 你將因打警察受懲罰。
You will be punish for hit the policeman.
7. 孩子們因行為好而受獎勵,因行為壞而受懲罰。
CONDUCT】The children were rewarded for good conduct and punished for bad conduct.
8. 受懲罰,被處罰
Receive as a punishment or penalty.
9. 打破宵禁的隊員將會受懲罰, 到時將根據具體情況實施.
Players breaking curfews will be subject to penalty, which will be determined a case - by - case basis.
10. 最後, 考試需要思維清晰、表述簡潔,說廢話是會受懲罰的.
Finally, exams demand clarity of thought and expression and penalise waffle and bullshit.
catch hell