不理會的英文 不理會用英語怎麼說?
unmindful adj.不在意的;不注意的;不以為意的
inattentive adj.不注意的;漫不經心的;疏忽的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 那不過是傳言而已,我才不理會呢。
I wouldn’t care about it; it’s just hearsay.
2. 她拒不理會我的存在。
She refused to acknowledge my presence.
3. 所以也許我會不理會你晚上的電話
So I might be gone If you call on me tonight
4. 不顧,不理會(某人意見等):
Disregard or set aside (sb's opinions, etc)
5. 我們不可以把它們推在一旁不理會。
We cannot brush them aside and ignore them.
6. 首相打定主意不理會一手訴願。
The premier set his mind against all the appeals.
7. 整夜吹他的喇叭,不理會鄰居
Played his trumpet past midnight, defying the neighbors.
8. 堂-科利昂不理會這些感謝。
Don Corleone brushed these thanks aside.
9. 但是,歐盟和聯合國不理會這些擔憂。
But the EU and UN brushed off concerns.
10. 情商低的人往往完全不理會別人的感受。
Low EQ people are often completely oblivious to the feelings of other people.
unmindful; inattentive; pay no attention to