收銀機的英文 收銀機用英語怎麼說?
cash register n.現金收入記錄機;現金出納機;現金進出記錄機
1. 透過在收銀機中輸入信用卡號碼。
By typing the credit card number into the cash register.
2. 我還學到了很多如何為顧客服務以及如何使用收銀機的知識。
I also learnt a lot about how to serve customers and how to use a till.
3. 收銀機記錄的總額是$12853。
And the amount indicated by the cash register total was $12853.
4. 機械式收銀機登記符號和鍵盤的佈局
Registration symbols and keyboard arrangements for mechanical cash register
5. 我們的工作人員每天檢查一次收銀機。
The cash machines are inspected (checked)once a day by our staff.
6. 如果收銀機
If a cash register falls short, the cashier has to pay the difference themselves.
7. 本收銀機臨時關閉。
This cash register is temporally closed.
8. 有人拿起收銀機,把它放回櫃檯原來的位置上。
Someone hefted the register back up to its place on the counter.
9. 它的設計使一些電腦系統如收銀機和存貨管理等易於閱讀。
It is so designed that a computerised systems such as cash registers and stock control system can read it easily.
10. 撤銷收銀機後,一個很普通的問題就是,“我到哪裡付款?”
With cash registers removed, a common question nowadays is, \Where do I pay?\
收銀機是一部儀器,由人手操作,設置於零售商店,由收銀員打入每位顧客所購買的貨品價格,其會計算出其總消費金額。 收銀機會以日記賬式記錄當天的所有貿易,商店休息前,店員會點算收銀機內的實際現金額,與機內的日記賬(俗稱蛇仔)總額比對,作為內部審計。通常為保證每單交易在日記賬必有記錄,其也列印收據給顧客。它是微電子技術發展及現代化商品流通管理理念和技術發展結合的產物。