琛的英文 琛用英語怎麼說?
treasure n.財富;珠寶;珍品;可愛的人;難得的人
常用 權威
1. 山東琛飛機卷板機廠家傳來捷報。
Shandong Jiachen plane bending machine manufacturers from news.
2. 錢學琛是為科學事業做出重大貢獻的科學家之一。
Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest scientists who have made great contributions to the science cause.
3. 福琛帶回來的證據徹底改變了茶在林奈分類法中的位置。
Fortune’s documentary evidence ultimately changed tea’s Linnaean classification.
4. 不過,家人又不置可否,學琛只得當起「吃醋外父」一職。
But his family and fully fudged, learn as a \jealous had a post as the father.\
5. 那個時候福琛取得了一個重大發現,綠茶和紅茶來自同一種植物。
At that time he had made an important discovery: Green tea and black tea came from the same plant.
6. 直到福琛那個年代,茶葉的秘方兩千年來沒有什麼改變,而歐洲也已經對喝茶上癮兩百年了。
At the time of Fortune’s visit the recipe for tea had remained unchanged for two thousand years, and Europe had been addicted to it for at least two hundred of them.
7. 福琛在回憶時這樣說到:“我想不比一個麵包師傅在擀他的麵糰更貼切的比喻來形容這個過程。”
“I cannot give a better idea of this operation than comparing it to a baker working and rolling his dough, ” Fortune recalled.
8. 福琛仔細觀察著工人們的每個步驟,一言不發的作著筆記,偶爾派王姓僕人去問經理和工人們一些問題。
He watched each step of the processing carefully, saying nothing, making notes, and occasionally asking Wang to put a question to a manager or worker.
9. 福琛還發現作坊裡的其他地方,一個原先用來炒青的煤爐上燒了一鍋漿糊,一個人正把一些明黃色的粉末加到鍋子裡去。
Elsewhere in the factory, however, over the charcoal fires where the tea was roasted, Fortune discovered a man cooking a bright yellow powder into a paste.
名詞 treasure