脫離困境的英文 脫離困境用英語怎麼說?
off the hook 漏網;擺脫困境;(為防止電話打進來而使聽筒)不掛上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 陷入困境比脫離困境容易.
It is easier to get into a scrape than to get out of one.
2. 他們尚未脫離困境.
You are not yet out of the wood.
3. 例如,如果說某人“脫離魚鉤”,那表示他已脫離困境。
For example, if someone is \off the hook,\ it means that he is no longer in trouble.
4. 我們互相幫助脫離困境並且他們是我的真摯的朋友.
We help each other out from trouble and they are really my sincere friends.
5. 夢是內在自我對日常活動的反應,並指出脫離困境的方法。
Dreams are the reaction of the inner self to daytime activity and often show the way out of the dilemma.
6. 相信在我們的共同努力下,災區人民一定能夠脫離困境
We firmly believe that, with our help, the people in the disaster area will get out of any difficulty and reestablish their home land!
7. 四川省大地震、緬甸強烈風災,遠在香港的你和我時刻關心新聞之餘,亦期望能盡一分力,助窘迫中同胞們脫離困境。
The Sichuan earthquake and the Myanmar cyclone has shocked and swept our hearts; you and I are both ready to lend our helping hands.
8. 身邊死黨遇到困難著實令人煩惱,你憑直覺想要盡一切努力幫助他們脫離困境,這種想法很勇敢,那麼,如果朋友遭受虐待,我們該怎麼做呢?
Your gut instinct is to do everything possible to help them out and make them feel better. But what happens if your friend is being abused?
win through; got out from under; above water; off the hook