保密協議的英文 保密協議用英語怎麼說?
confidentiality/secrecy agreement
常用 重點詞彙
1. 是否簽署過類似的供應商保密協議?
Is there a signed Supplier Confidentiality Agreement in place?
2. 如有必要,OU願意與貴公司簽署一份保密協議.
If desired the OU will be happy to sign a confidentiality agreement with your company.
3. 總統的弟弟羅伯特認為這本書違反了幾十年前簽署的保密協議。
The president's brother Robert had argued the book would violate a confidentiality agreement that was signed decades ago.
4. 參議員沃倫在最近一次民主黨辯論上強烈批評保密協議。
Senator Elizabeth Warren, fiercely criticized the confidentiality agreement
5. 魯塞爾告訴我,這件事不能說太細,因為作為一名前政府僱員,他也受保密協議的約束。
Russell told me he could say nothing more about the matter, because as a former government employee he was subject to a confidentiality agreement.
6. 我們獲得ISO9001質量認證,透過門禁系統和簽署保密協議嚴格保證客戶的資訊保安。
We are certified with ISO9001 and data security environment is set up with Proximity card access and signing Confidentiality Agreement with every analyst.
7. 保密協議:甲方承擔在本合同有效期間不洩露乙方提供的有關專利和專有技術的機密資料。
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT:Party A undertakes not to disclose any confidential infomnation conceming the patent and know-how supplied by Party B during the term of this Contarct .
8. 只有少數的研發人員瞭解這道配方,而他們也已悉數簽署了專門的保密協議以確保該配方成為山德士上校的又一獨家料理。
Only a few KFC executives know the second secret recipe and they have all signed confidentiality agreements to keep the recipe as secret as the Colonel's Original Recipe.
9. 我們將簽署保密協議,一旦我們同意啟動該專案。
We will sign the confidential agreement once we agree to start the project.
10. 他們不僅仍然受到保密協議的阻礙,而且奧斯汀是一個小城市。
Not only were they still hindered by the nondisclosure agreement, but Austin is a small city.
保密協議,是指協議當事人之間就一方告知另一方的書面或口頭資訊,約定不得向任何第三方披露該等資訊的協議。負有保密義務的當事人違反協議約定,將保密資訊披露給第三方,將要承擔民事責任甚至刑事責任。 保密協議一般包括保密內容、責任主體、保密期限、保密義務及違約責任等條款。保密協議可以分為單方保密協議和雙方保密協議。單方保密協議是指一方對另一方單方面負有保密義務的協議。
confidentiality/secrecy agreement