教學質量的英文 教學質量用英語怎麼說?
teaching quality
常用 重點詞彙
1. 而提高教學質量的關鍵是要建立與日常教學活動有機結合的教學質量監控與評價體系。
However, the key to improving the quality of teaching is to establish the teaching quality monitoring and evaluation system combining with day-to-day teaching activities.
2. 教師的素質及教學水平直接影響到學校的教學質量.
The teacher quality and direct teaching level effect arrive at the school quality of teaching.
3. 教學評價對於學校教學質量的提高起到了舉足輕重的作用。
Teaching evaluation has pivotal function to enhance the quality of teaching.
4. 創新的內在動力主要是:提高教學質量
Innovation inherent power is: improve the quality of teaching and teaching reform and love of sports;
5. 館藏圖書之優劣在某種程度上影響著教學質量之優劣。
The quality of the books collection influences the quality of teaching;
6. 減少了臨床教學老師帶教的盲目性和隨意性,保證了教學質量。
It also can decrease blindness and liberty of clinicians to ensure the quality of teaching.
7. 經常調換教師對教學質量有不利影響.
Constant reshuffles of staff bear unfavourably on the quality of teaching.
8. 教學質量差的學校為什麼會耽誤孩子呢?
Why do the poor quality of teaching in schools will delay a child?
9. 加強演示實驗教學是提高中學物理教學質量的一個重要方法。
Strengthen the teaching of physics demonstration experiment is to improve the quality of teaching physics in secondary schools as an important issue.
10. 高等職業學校的教學質量始終是學校的生命線。
Quality of teaching has always been the lifeline of colleges and universities.
teaching quality