立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
向右看-齊! Right-dress!
向左看-齊! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes- front!
向左-轉! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-轉! Right-face(Right turn)!
向後-轉! About-face(About turn)!
齊步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
Common Orders
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快點兒! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列隊 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
向右看-齊! Right-dress!
向左看-齊! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes- front!
報數! Count off!
點名! Call the roll!roll call
到! Here!
立定! Halt!
靠攏! Close!
向左-轉! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-轉! Right-face(Right turn)!
向後-轉! About-face(About turn)!
齊步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ease-march!
右轉彎-走! Right-wheel!
左轉彎-走! Left-wheel!
前進! Advance!
取(拿)槍! Take arms!
肩槍! Shoulder arms!
槍放下! Order arms!
臥到! Down!
裝子彈! Load!
退子彈! Unload!
射擊! Fire!
起立! Get up (Stand up)!
解散! Dismiss!
用炮 Prepare for action!
收炮 March order!
架炮 Seat/Mount gun!
置炮 Lay gun!
就炮 Take posts!
炮後集合 Fall in in rear of piece!
1. Squad – Fall in
2. Attention
3. Stand at – ease
4. Stand easy
5. Dressing in three ranks – right dress
6. Eyes – front
7. Open Order – March
8. Close Order – March
9. Move to the right in threes – Right turn
10. Move to the left in threes – Left turn
11. Move to the right – Right turn
12. Move to the left – Left turn
13. Squad will retire – About turn
14. Squad will advance – About turn
15. Squad will fall out – Fall out
16. Squad will dismiss – Dismiss
17. Inclining at the halt – Righ......
Common Orders
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快點兒! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列隊 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
向右看-齊! Right-dress!
向左看-齊! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes- front!
報數! Count off!
點名! Call the roll!roll call
到! Here!
立定! Halt!
靠攏! Close!
向左-轉! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-轉! Right-face(Right turn)!
向後-轉! About-face(About turn)!
齊步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ease-march!
右轉彎-走! Right-wheel!
左轉彎-走! Left-wheel!
前進! Advance!
取(拿)槍! Take arms!
肩槍! Shoulder arms!
槍放下! Order arms!
臥到! Down!
裝子彈! Load!
退子彈! Unload!
射擊! Fire!
起立! Get up (Stand up)!
解散! Dismiss!
用炮 Prepare for action!
收炮 March order!
架炮 Seat/Mount gun!
置炮 Lay gun!
就炮 Take posts!
炮後集合 Fall in in rear of piece!
1. Squad – Fall in
2. Attention
3. Stand at – ease
4. Stand easy
5. Dressing in three ranks – right dress
6. Eyes – front
7. Open Order – March
8. Close Order – March
9. Move to the right in threes – Right turn
10. Move to the left in threes – Left turn
11. Move to the right – Right t......
立正: attention
稍息: at ease
報數: number off
向右看齊:eyes right
看前看:look forward to
turn left,
turn to禒the left side,
turn to the opposite of right side
跪求一兀的《立正向左轉》的番外! 30分
【裝13版文案】見他第一眼,她便知道,那個男人是她此生的劫! 宋慕青? 那是多麼“如狼似虎”的一姑娘啊! 敢單槍匹馬的轟走她爸的小三兒,敢衝她媽吼“你今兒要是敢跳下去,我明兒就讓姓宋的和那女人給你陪葬”,結果她媽腿一抖,摔了! 可自從她遇見了那個叫藺謙的男人,發誓要把他給拿下,在他面前裝的跟頭小綿羊似的。苦肉計,美人計輪番上陣,可那男人只會讓她“立正!向後轉!”最後逼不得已,使出欲擒故縱…… 內容標籤:都市情緣 軍旅 搜索關鍵字:主角:宋慕青,藺謙 ┃ 配角:陳默默,三子,一干醬油黨 ┃ 其它:軍旅 ======================================================================文章類型: 原創-言情-近代現代-愛情 作品風格:輕鬆 所屬系列: 現代言情 文章進度:已完成 全文字數:229211字
立正 Attention
稍息 Stand easy
向右看齊 Dress right-dress
向左轉 Turn right
向右轉 Turn left