緩解交通堵塞 英文怎麼說?
relieve traffic jam
How to Solve the Traffic Jam Problems.
As the people's living standard increases,more and more cars crowd in families.These cars run on the roads,causing traffic jams.
As we can see,the capacity of roads is limited,though they have been expanded again and again.But our cars are on the rise all the time.How can the limited roads hold the unlimited cars?As a result,traffic jams and accidents happen frequently,leading to a great economic loss,injuries,and even deaths. The situation is worse during rush hours.Every day during the rush hour time,thousands of cars in different colours can be seen,one by one lying on the roads,making a special beatutiful city scenery.
Relieve urban traffic congestion
It becomes an exigent issue of the traffic control how to lead the traffic effectively, exploit the traffic resource adequately, avoid jam and reduce traffic accidents. Often, when people buy cars, they never consider the city's environmental problems, daily traffic jams, and the limited amount of parking spaces. The road designer and engineers have not designed and built the new road to solve traffic jam, but instead introduced more jam. So people begin to thrash out the way of traffic crowding and jamming, now fremdness have developed intelligent system which measure the flux of vehicle to implement traffic command.
The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges, overpasses and underpasses in big cities. The government not only needs to build more roads, but also encourage people to take public transport. You're doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.
交通擁堵路在何方? 城市越來越靚,道路越來越寬,交通卻越來越擁堵!交通擁堵出行難已成為城市頑疾。日益增長的車輛和有限道路之間的矛盾也越來越突出,行車路經常變成停車場。出行難已成為市民最頭痛的問題。越來越多的小汽車進去家庭,給人們帶來極大方便的同時也帶來了城市發展的一個通病。包括道路擁堵,環境汙染、過量消耗能源等。
面對現實既不能停滯汽車工業的發展也不能讓道路越來越擁堵,目前為解決擁堵採取的單雙號限行,限購車輛,拍賣車號的措施收效甚微,出行難依然難! 交通擁堵最主要的原因之一就是未能充分發揮公共交通的優勢,忽視了公共交通在城市中的作用。以香港為例,香港彈丸之地,擁有700多萬市民,還有不計其數的流動人口,卻是條條道路通暢,在路窄,坡多,彎多的道路上各種汽車快速行駛。原因在於香港公共交通的分擔率高達90%以居世界之首,全球矚目!還有瑞士、新加坡等等。