
General 更新 2025-03-09


自我評價部分通常緊隨個人信息之後,用3-5句話簡單地概括您的優勢和特長,其作用是推銷自己,吸引招聘人員繼續往下看。 自我評價部分通常緊緊圍繞著所應聘的職位展開,向招聘人員展示你與該職位非常匹配,您的技能和資質與所應聘的職位相符,是該職位的不二人選。 自我評價部分也可以叫做“個人綜述”、“能力綜述”或者“簡歷概述”等,可以包括求職意向、職業目標、能力特長、豐富經驗、取得成就、資質證書等內容。 寫求職意向的原則 真實。求職者書寫“自我評價”時,千萬不要有虛假成分,誇大自己的能力、優點或工作經驗等。 不卑不亢,要說明問題,不要滿天喊口號,連自己都不相信的評價估計對方更不會相信。 不要主觀羅列自己的優點,仔細閱讀招聘方的廣告後,根據用人要求一條一條對應來寫,要有針對性;文字平實可信不誇張,避免“熟悉互聯網及相關知識”、“精通英語”之類詞句。 突出閃光點。如果沒有重點,或者過於大眾化,那麼很難讓自己出挑。HR在擇才時希望看到你是否有閃光之處,與所應聘的職位有無聯繫。因此,建議求職者仔細羅列自己的工作經歷,回憶自己在以前的工作中到底積累了什麼樣的優勢,挖掘出自己與眾不同之處,以突出自我的優勢,最好輔以具體事例證明,否則不可信。 不要提到你的業餘愛好、抱負、對公司的感想等,也不要其他廢話。 語言簡練職業。自我評價屬於概括性描述,用簡短的詞彙總結自身的技能、專長,向HR展示自己的綜合素質及特點,可以包括:技能/專長總結、個人資歷總結、興趣愛好描述、溝通協調能力總結、……等等。通常來說,語言儘量不要過於口語化,在描述自己的學習能力、團隊合作精神等方面用語應嚴謹、平實,讓HR在閱讀簡歷時能夠充分感覺你對這份工作的誠懇態度。 怎樣寫求職意向 所謂求職意向/職業目標,就是“我的職業生涯的下一步是什麼”。在闡述時力求簡短、簡潔,明確地告訴未來的僱主:您在尋找什麼樣的工作機會,包括職位類型,角色定位(經理類、主管類、還是合同工等)。就算你自己不是很明確,那也要表現得很明確,讓招聘人員覺得你的目標定位與他們所招聘的職位正好相吻合,你正是該職位的最佳人選。不要模稜兩可,不要讓招聘人員也不肯定你是否勝任該職位。 寫明自己的求職意不失為表明自己有著明晰的職業發展規劃的好方法。 首先,要非常明確自己的求職意向的職位名稱。問問自己這樣一個問題:“我怎樣才能展示自己是最佳的候選人呢?”想想自己有哪些能力和特長,可以讓你在眾多應聘者中脫穎而出。 求職意向要切中要點,切忌空泛,不要說什麼沒有實質性內容的“用我的經驗和能力迎接新的挑戰”,當然也可以從某種程度上範圍廣一點,如“謀求餐飲、娛樂行業的中層管理職位”。 如果你想應聘好幾個職位,那麼需要根據不同的職位撰寫不同的求職意向。然後整份簡歷就需要圍繞該求職意向展開。 一般來說,自我評價的寫法沒有定論,可結合自己的實際情況和所應聘職位的特點來定製自己的自我評價。一般來說,將求職意向/職業目標歸入自我評價一欄比單獨開闢求職意向部分更加合理、科學。

寫一篇英文應聘短文。 100分

applicant letter

Dear HR manager,

I am very interested in the open position of Typist which you post in China Daily,pls allow me to occupy your a few minutes to introduce myself with many thanks.

I am Mingming,sophomore,major in computer,my advantage is the tpying speed can reach 60/m,which can meet your position requirement.as an intern, I have ever been an typist in a small company when I was on summer holiday,so I am experienced to handle related things on this job.Except I am profient in company, I am diligent and smart,ever got the certificate of CET 4 last year,I believe I am the best suitable applicant for this job.

I will be appreciate if you can arrange interview ,I will show you more than you think by face to face.


Ming ming



2007 personal objectives :

Objective :

Objective :

work plan :

Results :

Outlook :

簡歷裡面,“想要的職位“、”目標職位” 用英語怎麼說?

想要的職位就是求職意向:Position Applied

期望薪資:Excepted Salary

期望工作意向:Excepted Work Area

到崗時間:Available Time


英文的求職信怎麼寫? 要一個例子,謝謝!!!!!^^ 5分






求職信是有目的地針對不同用人單位的一種書面自我介紹,通常一頁長,書寫一般以商業格式為標準,分開頭,中間和結尾三部分。首尾部份應注意禮貌,通常信的開始要先做自我鼎紹,如:姓名、學校、所學專業等。中間部分是正文,是求職信的核心,形式多種多樣,一般為自我條件展示、工作展望等內容。先是你寫求職信的目的是什麼,目標是什麼?是想獲得一個什麼樣的具體的職務;其次寫自己對從事此工作感興趣的原因、願意到該單位工作的願望和自己具有的資格;接著寫出或推銷出你的優勢或長處,即你的競爭實力;然後談你為什麼想為此機構或公司服務? 你對他們的瞭解有多少?關於他們的產品或服務、任務、企業文化、目標、宗旨等一切與你自己的背景、價值觀和目標相關聯的東西。在結尾處建議下一步的行動,聯絡地點、聯絡方式,以及最後的感謝語等。這三部分的內容一般佔三或四段,可以發揮創意的空間非常的大,不必死守規則,可靈活運用。求職信應與履歷分開,有話則長,無話則短,沒有必要把簡歷的內容重複一遍。英文求職信的模式與中文求職信格式相同

求一封英語 求職信, 實習生。 包括教育背景 ,求職目的。

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am writing to you in hope of obtaining a position in your esteemed company.

I graduated from *** in June this year. My major is Business English.

At school, I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses. In College, I’ve taken courses such as International Business,, which are all conducted in English, as well as Business English Interpretation, Business 礌nglish Translation. I’m fluent in both written and spoken English and my reading and translation skills are also satisfactory. I have general knowledge of Japanese (my second foreign language), and can communicate in it. Besides, I have been familiar with computer operation.

In addition to study, I actively participated in various extracurricular activities and took many part-time jobs, such as English tutor, Salesgirl etc. All of these enhanced my abilities of combining knowledge and practice, cooperation and organization.

I sincerely hope that you’ll be kind enough to consider my application favorably. I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.

Enclosed herewith is a copy of my resume and recommendation.

Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to your favorable reply!

Yours faithfully,



According to the relevant institutions, most young people don't know what you want.

Want to do what, first asked five problems: I want to go where? Where am I? I have? My gap in where? I have to do?

? ? above five goals, orientation, covers conditions, distance etc, plan, as in the above a few key points in detail and design meticulously, own factors and social condition, to the greatest extent do for the implementation of process control, and to know the disadvantages in real life,矗career planning has more practical meaning.Career orientation

And this is the unity of social orientation, only about yourself in the basis and can only give yourself accurate positioning.

Examine personal characteristics (a) desire (on) (work) in this life stages, you want? (2) (being) what are you good at? General technology and special technology () (3) character traits (Temperament, nature) (Temperament) (Temperament, nature) what kind of person are you? Under what conditions is the best performance? (4) Assets (Assets) (tangible and intangible) than others what you have the place?

Each people all need positioning, its purpose is to ensure oneself continuously development. But all the different groups positioning point positioning is clear: what oneself. Too high or too low valuation, is their diplomas, or value their results, some too much underestimate yourself, so that both the potential to seriously, and the need to analyze their social demand, in order to understand more acc......
