病歷英文怎麼說 clinical history
patient's record
仔細研究 日後必成大器
AN EXAMPLE OF MEDICAL CASE RECORD IN ENGLISH Patient Li Hua,mate,69 years old, a retired teacher, was admitted on June 6,1989,because of palpitation for one year and becoming worse in recent 5 months. The patient was quite well until one year before May,1988, He felt slight palpitation and dyspnia during hard work, fast walk , or climbing stairs, There was swelling of legs in the evening but he felt better after having a rest. In recent 5months, palpitation and dyspnia became so serious that he could neither walk nor lie down.He had to sit up during the whole night, Sometimes he coughed with small amounts of sputum, but without blood. He had no chill, fever, chest pain or sore joints. The urinating was normal. There was nothing else abnormal in the case history review except a cured lobor pneumonia in 1949. He had no history of drug allergy. Personal history:The patient was born in Xi’an in 1923. He had been to the south of China but did not contact contaminated water. He smoked a bout 10 cigarettes daily. He got married in 1945. His wife was healthy .They had a daughter who was also healthy. His father died of stomach cancer.His mather was well. Physical Examination:T.36.8C, P. 96/min, R. 28/min, BP.23.5/13.3kPa. The patient, an old fatty man who developed well and moderately nourished, was lying in bed with a semifallous position. He looked pale and suffered from general edima. He was mentally normal and cooperative in the examination.There was no eruption, no j......
電子病歷(EMR,Electronic Medical Record)也叫計算機化的病案系統或稱基於計算機的病人記錄(CPR,Computer-Based Patient Record)。它是用電子設備(計算機、健康卡等)保存、管理、傳輸和重現的數字化的病人的醫療記錄,取代手寫紙張病歷。它的內容包括紙張病歷的所有信息。美國國立醫學研究所將定義為:EMR是基於一個特定系統的電子化病人記錄, 該系統提供用戶訪問完整準確的數據、警示、提示和臨床決策支持系統的能力。
IMPRESSION 在病歷中如何翻譯?
印象(心理學名詞) :
印象是個體(認知主體)頭腦中有關認 知客體的形象。個體接觸新的社會情境 時,總是按照以往經驗,將情境中的人 或事進行歸類,明確它對自己的意義, 使自己的行為獲得明確定向,這一過程 稱為印象形成。印象是個體適應環境的 一種方式。
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可以離近點照嗎 一擴大就模糊了 應該是說右側胸部的 但看不清字