Kyoto Japan
yokohama kyoto osaka
in the constant panorama of more days
Introduction to Kyoto
If you go to only one place in all of Japan, Kyoto should be it. Not only is it the most historically significant town in the nation, this former capital was also the only major Japanese city spared from the bombs of World War II. As such, it's rife with temples, shrines, imperial palaces, and traditional wooden homes. In nearby Nara, another former capital -- one even more ancient than Kyoto -- is Japan's largest bronze Buddha and more historic temples.
Even though its well-preserved architecture and relics are what put Kyoto on the sightseeing map, I've always felt that its scenes from daily life are what make the city exceptional. Kyoto is home to the nation's greatest concentration of craft artisans, making Kyoto famous for its shops dealing in textiles, dyed fabrics, pottery, bambooware, cutlery, fans, metalwork, umbr福llas, and other goods. No wonder Kyoto is also home to 20% of Japan's national treasures.
As your Shinkansen bullet train glides toward Kyoto Station, however, your first reaction is likely to be great disappointment. There's Kyoto Tower looming in the foreground like some misplaced spaceship. Kyoto Station itself is strikingly modern and unabashedly high tech, looking as though it was airlifted straight from Tokyo. Modern buildings and hotels surround the station on all sides, making Kyoto look like any other Japanese town.
In other words, as Japan's seventh-largest city with a population of ......
《京都議定書》(Kyoto Protocol)
一、 背景資料
自從工業革命以來,人類的經濟活動大量使用化石燃料,已造成大氣中二氧化碳等溫室氣體的濃度急速增加,產生愈來愈明顯的全球增溫、海平面上升及全球氣候變遷加劇的現象,對水資源、農作物、自然生態系統及人類健康等各層面造成日益明顯的負面衝擊。為了抑制人為溫室氣體的排放,防制氣候變遷,聯合國於1992年地球高峰會舉辦之時,通過「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)」,對「人為溫室氣體」(Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas)排放做出全球性管制的宣示。為落實溫室氣體排放管制工作,1997年12月於日本京都舉行聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第三次締約國大會,通過具有約束效力的京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol),以規範工業國家未來之溫室氣體減量責任。
1. 減量時程與目標值:「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」之附件一國家(係指OECD中除墨西哥外的所有24個成員、歐盟、前蘇聯各共和國及前東歐共產國家,合計37個成員)及摩洛哥與列支敦斯登共39個國家,將人為排放之六種溫室氣體換算為二氧化碳當量,與1990年相較,平均削減值5.2%,同時採差異性削減目標之方式;歐盟及東歐各國8%、美國7%、日本、加拿大、匈牙利、波蘭6%,另冰島、澳洲、挪威則各增加 10%、8%、1%。減量時程為2008至2012年,並以此5年的平均值為準。
2. 六種溫室氣體中,CO 2、CH4、N2O管制基準年為1990年,而HFCs、PFCs與SF6為1995年。
3. 提出「京都機制」:包含「清潔發展機制」(CDM)(唯一跨越附件一國家與非附件一國家,由工業國對開發中國家進行技術及財務協助其溫室氣體減量計畫之機制)、排放交易(ET)及共同執行(JI)。
1. 經各國國內程序批准議定書國家達55國。
2. 批准京都議定書國家中,「附件一國家」成員之1990年CO2排放量須至少佔全體「附件一國家」成員1990年排放總量之55%。
3. 達成上述二條件後,則議定書於其後第90天開始生效。
1. 美國36.1%。
2. 日本8.5%。
3. 歐聯24.2%。
4. 俄國17.4%。
5. 加拿大3.3%。
6. 澳大利亞2.1%。
7. 其他國家8.3%。
1. 2001年7月16日至7月27日於德國波昂舉行聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第六次締約國大會(COP6)第二階段會議(其中7月16日至7月18日為與會各國高階官員會議,7月19日至7月23日為與會各國環境部長會議)。
2. 2001年7月18日於義大利熱內......
Japan in Dongshan District of Beijing City Hai Ting Nancy
英文日本京都的介紹 15分
Capital of Japan from 794 through 1868, Kyoto today is a small city with tremendous cultural assets. The population is 1.4 million and has its share of concrete, but don't blame the American military for its despoilation. Out of consideration for its artistic treasures, the city was spared both the incendiary bombs and atomic bombs that devastated the rest of Japan. Surrounded on three sides by mountains and cut through by rivers, a typical view of Kyoto will include both the manmade and the natural
如京都議定書就是Kyoto Protocol