
General 更新 2025-02-08




I live in Guangan China


Deng xiaoping's home Located in sichuan province XieXingZhen area PaiFangCun AnAnShi chamber, called "deng's old courtyard". Deng's yard is an old tradition of east toward the west by SanGeYuan farm. Covers an area of more than 800 square meters, the size of the house, wear wooden bucket between 17 QingWa one-story houses, elegant, powder. The typical buildings in characteristic, full of intense shu township amorous feelings. Green, green banboos shaded courtyard. Prehospital terraced layer, summer leaves, DaoHua fragrance. Deng xiaoping's ancestors who lived here all three generations. In 1904, August 22, deng xiaoping was born in the north wing, and former here spent his teenage 15 years. The ancient mouth WuSheng county town, chief of the mouth, the area is around four kilometers about 0.5 square kilometers, many buildings and cultural tourism experts wonder stone street, the network, the rich and colorful cultural characteristics of wood, QingWa roofing between the traditional local-style dwelling houses of scale formation of ancient, also used to enjoy the city with great amorous feelings of people YouQing meditate. Founded in the mouth, ancient Ming and qing dynasty is located for building, XianZhi. The old town is lively, originated in the jialing river water transportation is convenient, the jialing river flows through the town, a burst of water flow gently formed over 1000 meters, is the ideal jiang passing ships in the harbor, a......


我的夢想My Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway. 每個人都有很多的夢想,





Sichuan province Guang'an city Guang'an District Luo Du Zhen Xingluo Street No. 220

介紹廣安的英語文章 急需

Guang'an is a prefecture-level city in eastern Sichuan province. It is most famous as the birthplace of China's former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. Guang'an lies between the hills of central Sichuan and the gorges area of the east. Because of its strategic location, it is called the gateway to eastern Sichuan. Geography and climate Guang'an is located on a gradually rising section along the edge of the Sichuan Basin. The area is 6344 km??. The eastern part of Guang'an is mountainous, the central part hilly, and the western part is relatively flat. The elevation ranges from only 185 to 1704 meters above sea-level. The main rivers are the Qu (渠江) through the center of the area and the Jialing (嘉陵江) through the west.The climate is temperate and the weather is monsoonal. The average temperature is between 15.8° and 17.7°C. Winters are mild and summers are hot. The average rainfall is between 1000-1500 mm. Annual number of days without frost is between 310-324. Winter and spring have relatively little rain while in summer there are heavy rain showers. Autumns have almost constant rain and light wind.Administration Guang'an has 1 city, 3 counties, 87 towns, and 2886 villages with a total population of 4,443,000.District:Guang'an District (廣安區) Counties:Yuechi County (嶽池縣) Wusheng County (武勝縣) Linshui County (鄰水縣) City:Huaying (華鎣市) Economy Guang'an's economy is natural resource based. Mineral resources are plentiful and the soil is ideal for a......


並列連詞有:and,but,or,so等。並列句是由兩個或兩個以上的簡單句連接而成。並列句中的各簡單句意義同等重要,相互之間沒有從屬關係,是平行並列的關係。它們之間用連詞連結。英語培訓常見問題解答:·預測下文內容 預測下文內容也是提高閱讀效率的重要手段。預測與猜測不同。猜測是對自己沒有把握的文字意思的假設,預測則是假想下文將會發生什麼事情。預測之所以能夠提高閱讀效率,是因為它使你產生某種“期待”(expectations)。帶著這種期待去讀下文,你會努力為你的假想尋找證據,你的注意力將更加集中在文中的重要內容上。當然,預測也不是隨意的,必須根據已經發生的事情或已瞭解的內容加上你自己的一般常識進行符合邏輯的預測。當你繼續閱讀下文時,你的預測要麼被肯定,要麼被否定。無論是肯定還是否定,都會加深你對原文的理解。以下是幾條建議:(2)運用你的英語語言知識及語言在具體語境中的習慣用法,預測文章將要寫什麼。以上的介紹沒有特別將正常閱讀和快速閱讀分開,是因為無論閱讀哪一部分的試題,都會用到諸如scanning、skimming的方法,但是由於八級閱讀分為正常閱讀和快速閱讀兩部分,有必要提醒考生,兩者所給的時間是不同的。通常,正常閱讀是四至五篇,答十五題。快速閱讀是六至七篇,答十題,而後者的時間只有十分鐘。所以,我們決不能在一篇上花太多的時間,只能採用跳讀或尋讀的方法來儘快獲取信息,每篇文章,先讀試題和選項,然後再有的放矢地進行閱讀。做題時,如果遇到有些題解不了,或是文章中某幾句看不懂的情況,應該暫時放棄,先做其他題或繼續閱讀其他部分。在做完其他試題後,有時間,再來做這些沒有把握的試題。千萬不能為了一道題或一段文字而停滯不前。及時丟卒保車,才能保證總體成績。閱讀能力的提高不是靠短時間的突擊就能提高的,需要我們持之以恆,長期進行正確的操練。英語專業八級考試是科學的語言測試,具有相當的信度和效度,靠投機取巧是不可能取得好成績的,所以,我們衷心希望考生們能通過訓練,真正地提高自己的語言能力,在八級考試中取得好的成績。·如何練好英語口語我們必須學會美國人怎樣描述東西。從描述上來講,由於中美的文化不同會產生很大的差異。我們描述東西無外乎把它放在時間和空間兩個座標上去描述。美國人對空間的描述總是由內及外,由裡及表。而中國人正好相反。從時間上來說,中國人是按自然的時間順序來描述。我們描述一個東西突然停住時,往往最後說的那個地方是最重要的。美國人在時間的描述上先把最重要的東西說出來,然後再說陪襯的東西。只有發生悲劇性的事件,美國人才在前面加上鋪墊。這就是中國人和美國人在時間描述上的巨大差別。·選擇準確的聽力材料 實際上,“聽”和“說”不分家的原則也體現在TEM-8考試中。TEM-8考試聽力均選自一般口語性較強、反映現代生活的英語資料。因此,考生可以集中精力多聽一些大眾媒介英語,進行實戰演習。所選聽力材料在難度上應低於閱讀材料,因為讀不的東西一般聽不懂。來源於報刊、雜誌、電影、電視的英語是練習聽力的極好的材料。英語專業的學生,特別是高年級學生,可以通過看原版電影或聽電影錄音剪輯來練習聽力。一般學校都會有豐富的音像資料,許多城市還專門開闢了英語電視頻道,電視英語新聞對考生應付TEM-8考試第三部分有很大的幫助。·大學英語四級考試 英語四級,即CET-4,CollegeEnglishTestBand4的縮寫。是由國家教育部高等教育司主持的全國性教學考試;考試的主要對象是根據教育大綱修完大學英語四級的大學本科生或研究生。大學英語四、六級標準化考試自1986年末開......
