
General 更新 2025-02-22

菸草不同的生育時期 的名稱用英語怎麼說

different growth stages of tobacoo


The correlation of the drought resistance of the tabocoo existed among different growth stages.

翻譯英語 10分


In order to more conventional irrigation (YanGuan) and membrane drip irrigation under two different styles of cotton of salt and water movement law of soil, in 147 for the experimental group, survey and conventional irrigation film with drip irrigation under two kinds of irrigation water and salt cotton way soil dynamic change and dry matter accumulation, analysis of different water film under way next and membrane soil salt differences between.

結果表明: 2種灌溉方式下土壤鹽分在整個生育期變化都表現出前期鹽分含量減少後期有所增加的趨勢,膜下滴灌方式0-80cm土壤鹽分含量在中後期明顯低於常規灌溉,其中0-20cm土壤鹽分膜下滴灌方式顯著高於常規灌溉;

The results show that the two kinds of irrigation under way in the whole growth period changes soil salt are showing the salt content to reduce the trend of increased the late film with drip irrigation mode 0-80 cm soil salt content in later period was significantly lower than the conventional irrigation, where 0-20 cm soil salt film significantly higher than conventional drip irrigation under way irrigation;


Film drip irrigation under the film site salt content was significantly lower than the membrane between, the conventional irrigation film, film site salt content between the difference was not significant.


Two kinds of irrigation mode cotton dry matter accumulation, the growth in no significant difference in the bell (the ......

英文翻譯 5分

(because the girl love the boy !maybe)翻成中文怎麼說


孑孓是蚊子的幼蟲. 蚊子的生長過程 蚊蟲的一生分為4個時期,卵、幼蟲、蛹、成蟲,完成一個週期一般需要15天左右。

Larvae are mosquito larvae. The growth of mosquitoes mosquito's life process is divided into 4 periods, egg, larva, pupa and adult, usually takes about 15 days to complete a cycle.



Static box-ticking - gas chromatography field in situ measurement, wheat, rice research two planting mode oil methane emissions growth of rice season, major changes, in order to flux and rotation of greenhouse gas methane emissions farmland precise estimate and reasonable provide basis for the establishment of emissions reduction measures. The results show that rice tillering stage, rice, wheat methane emissions oil mode to the obvious single-peak mode, jointing stage, methane emission flux and ripe heading diurnal change show cosine wave type rule. Rice tillering stage, jointing stage of methane emissions, and ripe wheat pattern higher than average rice oil models, including high 1.72 mg? M - 2? H - 1, 0.83 mg? M - 2? H - 1 and 0.14 mg? M - 2? H - 1, heading to the day of rice oil mode of methane emissions average wheat mode than 0.13 mg? M - 2? H - 1. The experiment shows that methane emissions of rice season main stages, rice, change different flux of methane emissions average higher, tillering stage, other low, wheat, rice oil two planting mode of the same trend.



the national games;National Athletic Meet更多釋義>>


全運會 Games;National Games;National Games of PRC

美國全運會 State Games of America

十一屆全運會 th National games;session of the 11th national games
