早戀 詞性及解釋 【醫】premature love 例句 The so-called "puppy love" problem is a thorny issue for all teachers. 老師們大都把早戀看作一個棘手的問題。 Unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly 暗戀 Mother cannot help worrying about her: what if she falls in love,which is too early for a girl of her age.After all she is reaching the 'dangerous stage'. 媽媽很擔心:女兒正值"危險年齡",一旦步入"早戀"行列,可如何是好?
puppy love 早戀
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puppy love
It had bee耿 too late for me to feel like having a puppy love...
Nowadays, lots of students fall in puppy love with each other. It is common that a student has its own girl friend or boy friend. They think it is proud. However, puppy love will bring a lot of disadvantages. It can lead to result in not being interested in study cause it can distract their atteantion from learning knowlege. It may have bad effect on not only the students who fall in love with each other but also their classmates. We should try to socialize with the opposite sex school mates formally.