"Everybody over here!"
看過來Look over
Check it out; michael; Look over here
Do you deal with tourism? please look here!
Do you work on tourism? please look here!
Animals depend on nature but they don't bother us, so we should stop killing them and protect them better.
一般好像還是會以注意注意來代替,口語可以直接attention!attention!。正規點可以please pay attention!
看過來 寶貝的英語怎麼說?
1.a treasure
2.a treasured object
3.[Informal] little treasured one (of a child)
形容人就是 BABY
1、Yes,I do
2、I don't have any books
3、Gao Shan's sister doesn't like playing table tennis
4、Does she live in a small town near New York?
5、Do you watch TV everyday?
6、Has David got a goal?
7、We have no lessons
8、Nancy runs fast
1、has in
2、went to
3、had in
4、has been in
5、have been to
6、Have been to have been
7、went to
8、has on
9、Did go went
10、go to have been
11、are going am going to
12、goes to
13、Did go
14、Do go