
General 更新 2025-03-10

藍精靈 的英文翻譯是什麼? 30分

The Smurfs


藍爸爸 Papa Smurf 只有他一人的衣服是紅色的 象徵著權威和地位   藍妹妹 Smurfette 唯一的女藍精靈 是格格巫創造出來誘惑藍精靈的 後來被藍精靈們教育好了。她一頭金色長髮,白色連衣裙和高跟鞋,再加上長長彎曲的睫毛和嫵媚動人的眼神、甜美的聲音,是很多藍精靈心目中的夢中情人。   笨笨 Clumsy Smurf 本集的主角 笨笨總是笨手笨腳的,老打翻東西。笨笨因為笨被其他藍精靈看不起,所以想學巫術,後來吃了虧才老實了。   格格巫 Gagamel 一個禿頂高鼻的邪惡巫師 魔法卻十分爛 經常弄巧成拙 格格巫是藍精靈的世敵 他對藍精靈著魔 一心想吃了藍精靈或者用他們來鍊金子。   阿茲貓 Azrael 格格巫的寵物 但是經常受到虐待 阿茲貓總是不太情願的受格格巫指使去抓藍精靈 但是每次都知道格格巫會大敗 而且會暗暗大笑。   健健 Hefty Smurf 體壯如牛,右胳膊上有個穿箭的紅心,經常炫耀自己發達的肌肉。在藍爸爸不在的時候,健健充當藍精靈的領頭人。   聰聰 Brainy Smurf 藍爸爸的助手,黑框眼鏡是聰聰獨特的標誌,聰聰是一個喜歡自作聰明、出風頭、囉裡囉嗦同時又膽小怕事的藍精靈,時常做弄巧成拙的事情。聰聰的口頭禪是:“爸爸常說……”   惰惰 Slouchy Smurfling 總是一副睡不夠的樣子,在偷懶睡大覺,平時也很懶惰。   夢夢 Dreamy Smurf 整天做白日夢   樂樂 Jokey Smurf 樂樂總是能給大家帶來歡樂的氣氛,喜歡惡作劇。   怨怨 Grouchy Smurf 或者 厭厭 口頭禪“我討厭...”   怕怕 Scaredy Smurf 訂小如鼠 經常被其他藍精靈取笑   泥泥 Sloppy Smurf 很髒,帽子擋住眼睛,他的寵物是隻蒼蠅   婪婪 Greedy Smurf 帽子是廚師帽的   平平 Harmony Smurf 喜歡吹小號 儘管吹的很差勁   詩詩 Poet Smurf 詩人氣質   畫畫 Painter Smurf 藝術家氣質   浮浮 Vanity Smurf 超自戀,帽子上有朵花,手裡總是拿著個鏡子 其它的神馬都是浮雲。   當然其他還有很多,不一一介紹了。





As Smurfs get ready for the Blue Moon Festival, Papa Smurf sees in his cauldron a vision of Clumsy Smurf reaching for a dragon wand and the Smurfs in cages while Gargamel laughs. Not wanting this vision to come true, Papa Smurf refuses to allow Clumsy to pick Smurf Roots, but Clumsy disobeys Papa Smurf and ends up unintentionally leading Gargamel and Azrael to the village. The Smurfs all flee for their lives while Clumsy unknowingly runs towards the Forbidden Falls, with Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Grouchy, Brainy and Gutsy running after him. They find him at the edge of a cliff, and while trying to help him up, they are sucked into a gigantic vortex that spirits them to present day New York City. To make matters worse, Gargamel and Azrael follow and the Smurfs end up in the apartment of Patrick and Grace Winslow, a married and expectant couple and their Basset Hound Elway. After clarifying things, the Winslows befriend them and allow them to stay in their apartment. The next day, needing to find a "star gazer", the Smurfs follow Patrick to his work place at Anjelou Cosmetics before he calls Grace to pick them up.

However, having extracted "Smurf essence" from a lock of Smurfette's hair, Gargamel also arrives and ends up being treated by Patrick's boss Odile upon using most of his acquired magic to turn her mother young. But Gargamel resumes his search upon recognizing Patrick and following him to the toy store where the Smurfs ran into after finding th......
