
General 更新 2025-02-12

日本人發動了侵華戰爭 用英語怎麼說

The Japanese has started the aggressive war against China

“日本侵華戰爭” 英語怎麼翻譯?

Japan's war of aggression against China


Japanese aggression against China

一般我們中國人都叫它抗日戰爭 Anti-Japanese War


中國抗日戰爭,又稱為日本侵華戰爭,是指在1930年代至1940年代,由於日本帝國 日本向中國投降非法入侵中華民國引發的戰爭,主戰場在中國大陸,發生在第二次世界大戰歐洲戰事之前與期間,最終以中國的勝利而告終。   這場戰爭在不同的地區有不同的名稱。中華民國政府及多數華人稱其為八年抗戰、中日戰爭等等,簡稱抗戰,中國共產黨及中華人民共和國政府稱其為中國人民抗日戰爭,日本稱其為日華戰爭(日語:日中戦爭)或支那事變(支那事変),西方國家多數稱其為第二次中日戰爭(把甲午戰爭稱為“第一次中日戰爭”)。   抗日戰爭結束於1945年8月15日,但對於其開始的時間存在爭議。比較普遍的觀點認 抗日戰爭紀念館為,全面的抗日戰爭起於1937年7月7日的盧溝橋事變,到1945年8月15日日本無條件投降時結束,歷時九十七月又八天,共為八年,八年抗戰名稱因此而來。另外一種觀點認為這場戰爭可追溯到1931年9月18日的九一八事變,這是政府私下主導的局部抗戰的開始,因此又有十四年或十五年抗戰之說。也有觀點認為,1941年12月9日在珍珠港事件爆發後兩天,中華民國政府才公開宣佈正式同日本宣戰,如果這樣算,抗日戰爭歷時不到4年。在這段時間裡,戰爭擴大到整個太平洋地區,中國和美國、英國等同盟國共同抗擊日本,而中國的抗戰也成為第二次世界大戰太平洋戰爭的一部分。最後,日本節節敗退,戰爭以包括中華民國在內的同盟國勝利而結束。 翻譯Chinese-Japanese war, also known as Japan's war of aggression against China, refers in the 1930s and 1940s, because Japan Japan surrendered to the Chinese Empire

Unlawful invasion of the Republic of China to imports of war, raised in mainland China, which occurred in the second world war in Europe, with the period until the end to China's victory.   This war in the different regions have different names. The Government of the Republic of China and most Chinese in its eight-year war, war, etc., or war, the Government of the Chinese Communist Party and People's Republic of China referred to as Chinese people during the war, Japan called Japan's war (Japanese: Japan 戦 disputes) or shina (shina matter changes), the majority of Western countries refer to it as the second Sino-Japanese war (1894-referred to as "the first Sino-Japanese war").   The war end......


中文: 八國聯軍; 八國聯軍侵華戰爭 | 德語: Vereinigte acht Staaten | 英語: Eight-Nation Alliance | 法語: Alliance des huit nations |

急求一篇有關日軍侵華戰爭的英語文章 10分

The Second Sino-Japanese War (July 7, 1937 to September 9, 1945) was the largest Asian war in the twentieth century.[4] From 1937 to 1941, it was fought between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Second Sino-Japanese War merged into the greater conflict of World War II as a major front in the Pacific Theatre.

Although the two countries had fought intermittently since 1931, full-scale war started in earnest in 1937 and ended only with the surrender of Japan in 1945. The war was the result of a decades-long Japanese imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily to secure its vast raw material reserves and other resources. At the same time, the rising tide of Chinese nationalism and notions of self determination stoked the coals of war. Before 1937, China and Japan fought in small, localized engagements in so-called "incidents". Yet the two sides, for a variety of reasons, refrained from fighting a total war. The 1931 invasion of Manchuria by Imperial Japan's Kwangtung Army is known as the "Mukden Incident". The last of these incidents was the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 1937, marking the beginning of full scale war between the two countries.[5]

Most historians place the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War on July 7, 1937 at the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, when a crucial access point to Beiping (Beijing) was assaulted by the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA). Because ......


David M. Gordon - The China-Japan War, 1931-1945 - The Journal of Military History 70:1 The Journal of Military History 70.1 (2006) 137-182 The China-Japan War, 1931–1945 David M. Gordon War, Sun Tzu tells us, "is of vital importance to the state, being the arena in which life or death is decided and the pathway to survival or ruination." The Japanese invasion on 7 July 1937 put the Chinese Republic in mortal danger. In the end, the Republic prevailed. But China was devastated. The war also made possible a successful Communist revolution that destroyed traditional society. By 1945, Japan, too, was almost destroyed. Its empire lost and its political structure remade by its American conquerors, the country would eventually enter a new period of peaceful economic development. Both nations were fundamentally transformed by the conflict. The China-Japan war, the catalyst of these changes, is arguably the most important event in the history of East Asia in the twentieth century. This essay surveys much of the literature on that war, published since the 1970s, from its origins to its end. The war began in 1937. However, the events leading to it started almost twenty years earlier. Marius Jansen describes how, until the end of the First World War in 1918, Japan had participated with other nations in the division of China into spheres of influence. Unfortunately, the Japanese were unable to adjust to the postwar anti-imperialist policies of the Soviet Union------------------......




日中戦爭(にっちゅうせんそう、中國語: 中國抗日戰爭)は、1937年(昭和12年、民國26年)から1945年までの間に、日本(大日本帝國)と中華民國(蔣介石政権)との間で行われた戦爭である。





1938年花園口事件 Huayuankou Incident in 1938




China was the first country to fight the Fascist aggressor, experiencing the longest period of struggle, and suffering great sacrifices and heavy losses. An important part of the international anti-Fascist war, the Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japan was closely bound up with it.

People will never forget August 15, 1945, the date on which the Japanese government issued a note to the Allied countries, announcing its unconditional surrender. Japanese militarism, the No.2 war criminal in World War II, collapsed. The Chinese people won the final victory in the anti-Japanese national liberation war through their bitter struggles.

China's War of Resistance Against Japan was a righteous struggle against a war of aggression provoked by Japanese militarists against the will of the Japanese people. As for the Chinese, it was ......


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