朋友的英文 朋友用英語怎麼說?
friend n.朋友;友人;公誼會教友;貴格會成員;教友派信徒;支持者;同夥;同志;同盟者;贊助者
buddy n.夥計;密友;好朋友;老兄;同事;搭檔;戰友;兄弟;義工
pal n.朋友;夥伴;(PAL)帕爾制式
amigo n.朋友
homie n.同鄉;同齡人;同夥;說唱樂表演者
常用 權威 詞彙拓展
1. 交朋友
make friends;make friends
2. 男性朋友
male friend
3. 朋友之間
among friends
4. 軋朋友
make friends (with sb)
5. 過心朋友
close friend
6. 出賣朋友
sell one's friend out;sell out one's friends
7. 背叛朋友
betray one's friend
8. 朋友多
have many friends
9. 不夠朋友
be a friend in name
10. 拜辭朋友
take leave of one's friends
11. 背棄朋友
abandon one's friends
12. 知近朋友
intimate friend; confidant
13. 換心朋友
bosom (or intimate) friend
14. 朋友情分
15. 忠於朋友
stick with a friend
16. 朋友們
17. 企盼朋友來信
yearn after letters from friends
18. 結識新朋友
make new friends
19. 畢生的朋友
lifelong friend
20. 朋友別後重逢
reunion of parted friends
1. 他推薦一位最好的朋友當口譯員。
He recommended one of his best friends as an interpreter.
2. 這位作家的朋友在谷底注視著他。
The writer's friends watched him at the bottom of the valley.
3. 找一個朋友或家人和你一起鍛鍊。
Find a friend or a family member to exercise with you.
4. 我的朋友在電話裡哭得像個嬰兒。
My friend cried like a baby on the telephone.
5. 他不應該和他的朋友們並排騎它。
He shouldn't ride it side by side with his friends.
6. 還有一次,他借錢給朋友買房子。
Another time, he lent a friend money to buy a house.
7. 不管怎麼著,書是我們的朋友。
Somehow, books are our friends.
8. 我很快就和當地的溜冰者成了朋友。
I soon made friends with the local skaters.
9. 那時,沒有人願意和我交朋友。
At that time, nobody wanted to make friends with me.
10. 現在她熱愛棒球,有了更多的朋友。
Now she loves baseball and has more friends.
名詞 friend
1. 談朋友
be courting/dating; have a boyfriend/girlfriend; go steady
2. 朋友再好,終有一別。
The best of friends must part.
3. 知心朋友
bosom/close/good/intimate friend
4. 新結識的朋友
new-found friend
5. 老/新朋友
old/new friend
6. 不夠朋友
be a friend in name
7. 夠朋友
be a true/worthy friend
8. 交朋友
make friends
9. 出賣朋友
sell one's friend out
10. 背叛朋友
betray one's friend
名詞 boy/girl friend
1. 他倆正在談朋友。
They are going steady/courting.
2. 他朋友是他的同班同學。
His girlfriend is his classmate.
3. 談朋友
be courting/dating