成功的英文 成功用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-22



succeed (in); meet with success; be successful (in); be victorious; be a success

常用 權威



1. 成功率

success rate

2. 求婚成功

prosper in one's suit

3. 突圍成功

make a successful sally

4. 冀其成功

hope that sb will succeed

5. 爭取成功

try hard to succeed

6. 接近成功

approach success

7. 失敗是成功之母

failure is the mother of success; failure teaches success; defeat is the mother of victory

8. 計劃成功

the plan has worked well

9. 圓滿成功

succeed to admiration

10. 僥倖成功

have the luck to succeed

11. 一舉成功

be an overnight success

12. 預祝成功

wish (sb) success

13. 期待成功

hope for success

14. 謀算成功

succeed in finding a solution

15. 保證成功

ensure complete success

16. 獲得成功

attain success

17. 非常成功

enormously successful

18. 必定成功

be sure to succeed

19. 成功有望

show promise of success

20. 渴望成功

be eager for success


1. 為什麼很多人那麼努力爭取成功

Why many people fight so hard for success.

2. 他們成功地建造了一個太空花園。

They have successfully built a space garden.

3. 當然,很多討論並沒有這麼成功

Of course, many discussions are not so successful.

4. 中國已經成功地進行了垃圾分類。

China has already succeeded in sorting the rubbish.

5. 他們成功地為公司培養了勞動力。

They have been successful in preparing the workforce for companies.

6. 貧困的孩子能夠獲得成功的資源。

Poor kids can access the resources to succeed.

7. 即使是最成功的演說家也會犯錯。

Even the most successful public speaker will make mistakes.

8. 你的習慣將決定你將來是否成功

Your habits will decide whether or not you are successful in the future.

9. 保羅和喬成功地完成了皮划艇比賽。

Paul and Joe successfully finished their kayaking.

10. 一個從未成功登頂的人的普通名字。

A common name for a guy who never made it to the top.



成功(chéng gōng),漢語詞語。意思為成就功業、政績或事業,也指獲得預期的結果、達到目的,還指收穫、成效。


 更多外文片名:   El éxito.....Spain   El suceso.....Argentina   O Sucesso.....Portugal   The Success.....(undefined)



動詞 succeed (in); meet with success; be successful (in); be victorious; be a success

1. 祝大會圓滿成功。

I wish the meeting/conference a complete success.

2. 我相信你會成功的。

I'm sure you'll get there/make it.

3. 我的最後一次嘗試成功了。

I succeeded in my last attempt. / I was successful in my last attempt.

4. 失敗是成功之母。

Failure is the mother of success.

5. 計劃成功了。

The plan was a success.

6. 好的開始是成功的一半。

Well begun is half done.

7. 圓滿成功

thorough/total/full/complete success

8. 巨大的成功

great/huge/roaring/tremendous/howling/immense/overwhelming/enormous success; great triumph

9. 初步/偶然的成功

initial/chance success

10. 成功的要素

essential factors of success

11. 成功的奧秘

secret of success

12. 成功之路

avenue/gate/way to success

13. 成功在望

be on the threshold of success; success is in sight

14. 期待/追求成功

expect/seek success

15. 接近成功

approach success

16. 渴望成功

aspire to success; be eager for success; be desirous of success

17. 獲得成功

attain/achieve/secure/gain/obtain/get/win/enjoy success; score/have a success; achieve triumphs; be successful (in)

18. 大獲成功

go off/over with a bang

19. 保證/確保成功

guarantee/assure success
