瘦的英文 瘦用英語怎麼說?
thin adj.薄的;細的;稀少的;稀疏的;缺乏的;尖的;稀薄的;稀的;瘦(削)的
emaciated adj.消瘦的;皮包骨的;虛弱的
barren adj.貧瘠的;荒蕪的;淒涼的;無生氣的;不育的;無意義的;不結果實的;不(生)育的;不妊的
sterile adj.不生子的;不育的;無菌的;經過滅菌的;純淨的;無結果的;枯燥無味的;不結果實的;不長種子的;不長植物的
unproductive adj.生產不多的;不能多生產的;不豐饒的;無用的;成果不多的
常用 權威
1. 瘦高個兒籃球運動員
lanky basketball player
2. 又高又瘦
tall and skinny
3. 又矮又瘦
be short and thin
1. 我簡直不敢相信我變得這麼瘦。
I couldn't believe how thin I became.
2. 野根胡蘿蔔,根是白色的,又小又瘦。
Root wild carrots, the roots are white, small and skinny.
3. 他又高又瘦,一頭金髮。他大約三十歲。
He's tall and thin with blonde hair. He's about thirty years old.
4. 他又高又瘦,戴著眼鏡。
He is tall and thin with glasses.
5. 幾十年來,過瘦的模特一直是爭議的焦點。
Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades.
6. \達克斯獵犬\是一種德國的又小又長又瘦的狗。
\Dachshund\ is a German small long thin dog.
7. 她人瘦了,兩隻眼睛顯得格外大。
Her eyes seem unusually big on her gaunt face.
8. 她節食不當,已瘦得不成樣子。
She has starved herself to a shadow by excessive dieting. / She has dwindled to a shadow of her former self by excessive dieting.
9. 他老是發愁,人都瘦得皮包骨頭了。
He was worrying himself into a skeleton.
10. 他又瘦又小,哪裡是你的對手。
Short and thin, he is no match for you.
瘦(讀音shòu)是漢字通用規範一級字(常用字)。此字始見於《說文》的小篆文字中。《說文》中說“瘦,臞也。”可見此字的本義是指肌體的肉少、脂肪少。後又引申有細小、瘠薄、貧窮、稀薄、減損之義。 (基本資訊欄參考資料:)
形詞 thin; emaciated
1. 這匹馬瘦得可憐。
The poor horse looked all skin and bone(s).
2. 她因長期生病而消瘦。
Her long illness leaned her body. / She was emaciated by long illness.
3. 他老是發愁,人都瘦得皮包骨頭了。
He was worrying himself into a skeleton.
4. 他瘦了。
He has lost weight.
5. 又高又瘦
tall and skinny
6. 臉瘦
have a thin face
形詞 (of strokes in Chinese handwriting) thin
1. 字型瘦硬
characters with thin but powerful strokes
形詞 (of meat) lean
形詞 (of clothes) tight
形詞 (of land) poor; barren; sterile; unproductive