腳的英文 腳用英語怎麼說?
foot n.腳;足;底端;最下部;底座;英尺;音步;步伐;運動(或吸附)器官
base n.基;底;基礎;據點;基地;基本成分;鹼;基極;詞根;詞基;壘
leg n.腿;一段;一站;叉狀物的一分支;腿側區;屈膝禮;柱子;可食用的(禽或獸的)腿肉
football player 足球運動員;足球選手;橄欖球球員
footnote n.腳註;額外(或次要)的事物
rhyme n.韻;押韻;韻文;押韻詩;押韻詞;押韻小詩;同韻詞
常用 權威
1. 腳內側
the insides of one's feet
2. 一隻腳
a foot
3. 解放腳
liberated feet―half-bound feet; bound-feet unbound
4. 崴腳
sprain one's ankle
5. 腳剎車
foot brake
6. 腳違例
foot fault
7. 大腦腳
cerebral peduncle
8. 跟腳的
follower; footman
9. 踩腳剎車
apply the foot brake
10. 踮起腳走
walk on tiptoe
11. 砸了腳
have one's foot squashed
12. 訓練時蹩了腳
sprain one's ankle in training
1. 你的腳可以帶你去最神奇的地方。
Your feet can take you to the most amazing places.
2. 農民穿上紙靴在雪地裡給腳取暖。
The farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow.
3. 同樣,我們的腳在水中也會起皺。
Similarly, our feet also get wrinkled in water.
4. 赤腳走路實際上對你的腳更好。
Walking around with bare feet is actually better for your feet.
5. 但事實上,你應該從你的腳開始鍛鍊。
But in fact, you should start with the exercise on your feet.
6. 據說有一種鳥天生沒有腳。
It's said that there is a kind of bird born without feet.
7. 她試圖向前衝,但她的腳似乎沒有力量。
She tried to rush forward, but her feet seemed to have no strength in them.
8. 他們的腳重重地踏在地上。
Their feet beat the earth hard.
9. 這是一臺冬天暖腳的機器。
This is a machine to warm our feet in winter.
10. 我記得低頭看著我的腳。
I remember looking down at my feet.
腳,讀作jiǎo或jué,漢字一級字,最早見於《說文解字》。《說文解字》:腳,脛也。從肉,卻聲。 造字本義為脛、足的總稱,踏步行走的器官;引申為形容詞,基礎的,作為依據的。 (基本資訊欄參考資料)
名詞 foot
1. 她累了,腳也走疼了。
She was tired and footsore.
2. 左/右腳
left/right foot
3. 一腳踢在肚子上
kick sb in the stomach
4. 狠狠地踢一腳
give a good kick (to sb/sth)
5. 失腳
lose one's footing
6. 跺腳
stamp one's feet
7. 踮腳
stand on tiptoe
8. 踩一腳
give a trample
9. 一隻腳
a foot
10. 一雙腳
two feet; a pair of feet
名詞 base; foot; leg
1. 這張課桌少一隻腳。
This desk has one leg missing.
名詞 waste material
名詞 football player
名詞 footnote; rhyme
名詞 [used in connection with carrying and transporting manually]