擔心的英文 擔心用英語怎麼說?
worry v.不安;擔心;發愁;操心;撕咬;齧碎;擔心的;發愁的;使煩惱;使擔心
fear for 恐懼;怕;擔心
concern v.涉及;關於;使擔憂;使煩惱;使不安;關心;影響;關係到;從事;喜愛
fear n.恐懼;害怕;敬畏;擔心;擔憂;可能性
常用 權威
1. 擔心未來
worry about the future
2. 擔心她的健康
worry about her health
3. 擔心發生饑荒
fear a famine
4. 擔心最壞的情況發生
fear the worst
1. 好好照顧自己,別擔心上課的事。
Just take care of yourself and don't worry about the class.
2. 我擔心我會在舞臺上緊張得僵住。
I'm worried I'll get nervous and freeze on stage.
3. 他們也不擔心汽油汽車的使用量。
They didn't worry about the amount of petrol cars used, either.
4. 知道迪克失蹤了,他的母親很擔心。
Knowing Dick was missing, his mother was worried.
5. 他擔心他的兒子會在寫作課上睡著。
He's afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons.
6. 他們更擔心自己的孩子抑鬱或焦慮。
They are more worried about their children being depressed or anxious.
7. 我立刻明白了我父母擔心的是什麼。
I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.
8. 嗨,南希,你看起來很擔心。
Hi Nancy, you look worried.
9. \別為我擔心,爺爺,\傑夫回答說。
\Don't worry about me, grandpa,\ Jeff answered.
10. 但是種植灌木的農民很擔心。
But the farmers who planted the bushes are worried.
擔心(dān xīn),漢語詞語,意思指放心不下。例句為“外婆身體不好,媽媽總擔心她有個三長兩短的。” 近義詞為憂鬱、惦記、顧忌,反義詞為放心、安心,相關句子有“二表妹,你是不是擔心著陳家的事情?”出自巴金《春》二。
動詞 worry; fear for; feel anxious/concerned/apprehensive about; be fearful of
1. 這事使我們十分擔心。
This concerns us deeply.
2. 我很擔心她的病。
I am much concerned about her illness.
3. 擔心她的健康
worry about her health
4. 擔心最壞的情況發生
fear the worst
5. 擔心他的安全
fear for his safety; be apprehensive/concerned for his safety
名詞 concern; fear
1. 他們都對經濟危機所造成的影響感到擔心。
All of them are concerned about the effects of the economic crisis.
2. 公眾對通貨膨脹的擔心減少了。
Public concern about inflation decreased.
3. 消除人們的擔心
ease people's concern/fear
4. 引起當地人的擔心
cause/raise concerns among the locals; give rise to fears among the locals