提供的英文 提供用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-01-05



provide v.提供;供應;供給;為…作充分準備;規定;訂定;任命擔任有俸神職;給予;配備;準備好

supply v.供應;提供

furnish v.為(房子;房間)配備傢俱和家用設施;供應;為某人提供;將…供應給某人;是…的來源

offer v.提供;給予

present adj.在場的;出席的;在座的;現在的;目前的;正在考慮的;正在討論的;存在的;現在時(態)的

常用 權威



1. 提供假情報

misinform (sb) about (sth)

2. 提供經驗

afford experience

3. 提供食宿

provide board and lodging;provide board and lodging

4. 提供細節

give particulars; provide the details

5. 提供水樣

provide water sample

6. 提供資料

provide data

7. 提供彈藥

provide ammunition

8. 提供秘密

offer secrets (to sb)

9. 提供貸款

provide a loan

10. 提供罪證

offer testimony

11. 提供床位

offer sb a bed

12. 提供捐款

offer contributions (to)

13. 提供軍費

supply the sinews of war

14. 提供指導

give guidance

15. 提供保險

provide insurance (for)

16. 提供贊助

provide financial support

17. 提供按揭

provide a mortgage

18. 提供佐證

offer evidence

19. 提供模式

supply a model

20. 提供獎品

furnish prizes


1. 我們希望能為您提供更好的服務。

We hope we can give you better service.

2. 接管日為年輕人提供了這個機會。

Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

3. 它為明智的公司提供了備選方案。

It provides sensible companies with alternatives.

4. 它為患者提供特定的個性化護理。

It provides specific individualized care to patients.

5. 例如,他們可以為我們提供豬肉。

For example, they can provide us with pork.

6. 海報提供了有關英語課程的資訊。

The poster gives information about English courses.

7. 許多旅館不提供洗髮水和沐浴露。

Many hostels (小旅社) don't provide shampoo and shower gel.

8. 它們為各種背景的人提供了機會。

They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds.

9. 它提供了比工作場所更好的放鬆。

It offered greater relaxation than the workplace.

10. 它唯一的責任就是提供飲食建議。

Its sole responsibility for providing dietary advice.



提供,拼音tí gōng,漢語詞語,釋義為供給,例如提供了啟示、提供糧食等。



動詞 provide; supply; furnish; offer; present

1. 他們向災民提供食品和住宿。

They provide food and shelter for disaster victims. / They provide disaster victims with food and shelter.

2. 免費提供樣品。

Samples are presented free.

3. 為工業提供動力

supply industry with power

4. 大量/及時提供

abundantly/duly provide

5. 提供最佳服務

deliver the best service

6. 提供資金和技術

accommodate funds and technology

7. 提供住宿

accommodate sb with lodging; provide lodging (for sb)

8. 提供證據

provide/offer/give/present/produce evidence

9. 提供援助

provide/render assistance; provide/give aid (to sb)

10. 提供優惠政策

offer preferential policies

11. 提供資訊

provide information for sb; furnish sb with information

12. 提供新的發展機會

present fresh opportunities for development

13. 提供食宿

provide board and lodging

14. 提供日常生活必需品

supply daily necessities

15. 提供破案線索

come up with clues for solving the case

16. 提供獎學金

grant/offer a scholarship

17. 提供獎品

furnish prizes

18. 提供機會

present/offer sb an opportunity; give sb a chance

19. 提供廣闊前景

offer broad prospects (for)

20. 提供工作

offer/give sb a job

21. 提供服務

tender one's services (to sb); lend one's services; render/provide a service

22. 提供貸款

offer a loan; accommodate sb with a loan

23. 提供幫助

provide support/help
