因為的英文 因為用英語怎麼說?
because conj.因為;由於
for prep.支援;擁護;關於;對於;在…方面;代表;為了…的利益;以…為目的;以…為原因;以…為目的地;表示;代替;以…為交換;與…預期標準相比;達;計;表示一系列事件之一
as prep.作為;以…的身份;當…時
on account of 因為, 由於
because of 由於, 因為
常用 權威
1. 因為他想念自己遠在美國的母親。
Because he missed his mom far in the United States.
2. 彈鋼琴很酷,因為它能給我快樂。
Playing the piano is cool because it can give me joy.
3. 因為每門課都有嚴格的人數限制。
Because there is a strict limit on numbers for each class.
4. 她也很善良,因為她很關心我們。
She is also kind because she cares much about us.
5. 這些計劃因為財政問題而中止了。
These plans were abandoned because of financial problems.
6. 因為玩手機,更多的人變得沉默。
Because of playing mobile phones, more people become silent.
7. 因為它位於每年舉行的比賽中間。
Because it is located in the middle of a race that takes place every year.
8. 因為他們認為小費應該是那麼多。
Because they thought the tip should be that much.
9. 因為他們可以隨時在雲教室上課。
Because they can have classes in the cloud classroom at any time.
10. 因為他們過度使用了提供的答案。
Because they overuse the provided answers.
因為(yīn wèi),漢語詞語,意思是表示原因或理由。通常與“所以”連線成最常用的關聯詞——“因為……所以……”。
連詞 because; for; as; on account of; because of
1. 愛上某人,不是因為他給了你需要的東西,而是因為他給了你從未有過的感覺。
Loving somebody, it is for the feeling that you have never had before rather than the needs he satisfies you.
2. 他因為翫忽職守而被開除。
He was sacked on account of negligence of duty.
3. 因為下雨,我們回家了。
We went home because of the rain.
4. 因為飛機晚點,我在機場多等了半個小時。
I waited an extra half hour at the airport because the flight was delayed.
5. 因為病情好轉,就沒有去醫院。
As I was feeling better, I did not go to hospital.