乾淨的英文 乾淨用英語怎麼說?
clean adj.清潔的;乾淨的;清白的;純潔的;天真的;無邪的;平整的;邊緣光潔的;純淨的;洗乾淨的
fresh adj.前所不知的;未用過的;新的;新近的;不同的;新創的;剛經歷的;新鮮的;未凋謝的;未削弱的;淡的;涼爽的;強勁的;放肆的;大膽無禮的;專橫的;氣味難聞的;有點臭的
常用 權威
1. 洗乾淨
wash sth clean
2. 乾淨利落
clean; neat; crisp; efficient
3. 乾淨武器
clean weapon
4. 乾淨衣服
clean clothes
5. 乾淨穿孔
clean hole punching
6. 揩乾淨
wipe clean
7. 愛乾淨
like cleanliness
8. 乾淨核彈
clean nuclear bomb
9. 乾淨聲道
clean track
10. 乾淨區
clean area/band
11. 手腳不乾淨
light-fingered; sticky-fingered
12. 裡裡外外都很乾淨
be clean within and without
13. 嘴不乾淨
have a foul mouth
14. 把黑板擦乾淨
clean off a blackboard
15. 臉颳得乾乾淨淨
be cleanly shaven
16. 把毛巾洗乾淨
wash the towel clean
17. 穿上一套乾淨衣裳
put on a clean suit
18. 把地板掃乾淨
sweep the floor clean
19. 把杯子揩拭乾淨
wipe the glasses clean
20. 把牆洗刷乾淨
scrub the wall clean
1. 我以前以為紙巾越多,家裡就越乾淨。
I used to think more paper towels meant a cleaner home.
2. 這裡的環境很好,乾淨而且相對安靜。
The environment here is good—clean and relatively quiet.
3. 蛇也非常乾淨和安靜,它們很少打擾人類。
Snakes are also very clean and quiet and they seldom trouble humans.
4. 他們一起建造了一所更乾淨、更漂亮的學校。
They have made a cleaner and more beautiful school all together.
5. 利茲居民希望居住在乾淨、有吸引力的街區。
Leeds residents want to live in clean and attractive neighbourhoods.
6. 每個人都應該在保持乾淨整潔方面發揮作用。
Everyone should play a part in keeping it clean and tidy.
7. 你有責任把自己的實驗室裝置洗乾淨並放好。
You are responsible for washing out your own lab equipment and putting it away.
8. 空氣淨化機為騎腳踏車的人提供乾淨的空氣。
The air-cleaning machine offers clean air to the biker.
9. 嗯,不把傢俱都清理乾淨,就不能粉刷牆壁。
Well, we can't paint the walls without clearing all the furniture first.
10. 他工作很努力,經常保持院子乾淨,沒有雜草。
He worked hard and often kept the yard clean without any grass.
形詞 neat and tidy; clean; fresh
1. 嘴巴乾淨點兒!
Keep your language clean!
2. 他手腳有點兒不乾淨。
He has sticky/itchy fingers.
3. 把敵人消滅乾淨
wipe out the enemy
4. 乾淨衣服
clean clothes
5. 說話嘴不乾淨
have a foul mouth; be foul-mouthed
6. 用手絹把嘴擦乾淨
scrub one's mouth with a handkerchief
7. 把黑板擦乾淨
clean off a blackboard
8. 擦乾淨
rub/scrub sth clean
9. 飯後把飯桌收拾乾淨
clear off the table after dinner
10. 把毛巾洗乾淨
wash the towel clean
11. 把廚房打掃乾淨
clean up the kitchen; sweep the kitchen clean; give the kitchen a good cleaning
12. 愛乾淨
be clean in one's person; be a clean person; be cleanly
形詞 with nothing left; all gone
1. 把敵人消滅乾淨
wipe out the enemy
形詞 (of what one says and behaves) clear-cut
1. 他文筆乾淨。
He is very concise in writing.