考慮的英文 考慮用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-24



think over 重新考慮;仔細考慮

consider v.考慮;思考;細想;認為;想;考慮到;相信;顧及;凝視

give thought to 思考;考慮;為...而思考

常用 權威



1. 審慎考慮

consider cautiously

2. 考慮再三

reconsider; ponder over

3. 不予考慮

will not take into consideration

4. 考慮前途

deliberate on one's future

5. 全盤考慮

overall consideration

6. 考慮成熟

consider sth well;consider sth well

7. 仔細考慮

consider carefully

8. 考慮問題

consider a problem

9. 稍加考慮

on a moment's consideration

10. 無須考慮

need not take into consideration

11. 考慮降價

consider price cuts

12. 為別人考慮

have consideration for others

13. 考慮下一步

ponder on one's next move

14. 孤立地考慮問題

consider a problem in isolation

15. 從各方面來考慮

consider it in all bearings

16. 全神貫注地考慮問題

be preoccupied with a problem

17. 考慮正反兩方面的看法

consider the pros and cons

18. 好好考慮領導的建議

think over the leaders'suggestions


1. 對新的營養研究結果要慎重考慮

Think twice about new nutrition research findings.

2. 說服準爸爸們考慮改變職業生涯。

Persuading prospective fathers to consider a change in their career.

3. 考慮GDP之外的因素極為重要。

It is essential to consider factors beyond GDP.

4. 我花了太多時間考慮午餐吃什麼。

I'm spending too much time worrying over what to have for lunch.

5. 蘇正在考慮開辦一個英語俱樂部。

Sue is thinking of starting an English club.

6. 在解釋資料時考慮所有相關因素。

Take all relevant factors into account in interpreting their data.

7. 把所有相關的因素都考慮進去。

Take all relevant factors into consideration.

8. 有自知之明並不意味著只考慮自己。

Being self-aware doesn't mean only thinking of yourself.

9. 他們需要重新考慮他們的生活方式。

They need to reconsider their lifestyle.

10. 優先考慮對他們最有利的事情。

Prioritize what is essential to their best advantage.



考慮(英文:consider),讀音kǎo lǜ,漢語詞語,指的是思索問題,以便作出決定。例句有“姐姐經過再三考慮,決定報考師範大學,將來做一名教師”。 相關句子有“這太突然了,我不能夠馬上決定。我還應該考慮。”出自巴金《新生·五月八日》,相關近義詞有斟酌、琢磨、商酌,反義詞有輕率、武斷。



動詞 think over; consider; give thought to

1. 這個問題沒有考慮到。

This issue has been left out of consideration.

2. 我正在考慮買一臺空調。

I'm thinking of/about purchasing an air conditioner.

3. 他很少考慮別人的感情。

He gave little regard to the feelings of others.

4. 讓我考慮一下吧。

Let me think about it.

5. 各種因素都已經考慮到了。

Various considerations have been taken into account.

6. 為別人考慮

have consideration for others

7. 出於人道主義的考慮

out of humanitarian considerations; on humanitarian considerations

8. 進一步考慮

give extended/further consideration to

9. 反覆考慮

turn sth over and over in one's mind; ponder over/on a subject

10. 充分考慮

give adequate consideration to; consider fully

11. 考慮成熟

consider sth well

12. 考慮下一步

ponder on one's next move

13. 考慮問題

consider a problem; give some consideration to a matter

14. 考慮前途/婚事

consider one's prospect/marriage

15. 考慮降價

consider price cuts

16. 考慮個人得失

be concerned with one's own personal gains and losses

17. 考慮各方面的意見

take into consideration opinions from different quarters

18. 考慮到歷史和現實的情況

in view of past and present realities
