商店的英文 商店用英語怎麼說?
store n.儲備量;儲備物;大量;豐富;商店;店鋪;待育肥的小羊;倉庫;貨棧;貯存品
常用 權威
1. 友誼商店
friendship store [a large retail store established in the major cities specially to cater to overseas visitors]
2. 便民商店
convenience store; corner store
3. 電器商店
electric appliances shop/store
4. 自助商店
self-service shop
5. 黑貨商店
fence shop
6. 流動商店
mobile shop
7. 百貨商店
general store; department store
8. 批發商店
wholesale shop
9. 賒購商店
tally shop
10. 音像商店
video shop; audio-visual shop
11. 擠進商店
jostle into a department store
12. 高檔商店
up-market shop; up-scale store
13. 商店招牌
shop sign
14. 平價商店
fair-price shop; low-price shop; bargain shop
15. 指定商店
designated store
16. 開辦商店
set up a shop
17. 關閉商店
close down a shop
18. 定點商店
appointed store
19. 綢緞商店
silk goods shop
20. 商店櫥窗
1. 託尼在商店櫥窗裡看到一個玩具。
Tony saw a toy in a shop window.
2. 記得給我從紀念品商店買些東西。
Remember to get me something from the souvenir shops.
3. 這種系統正在少數商店進行測試。
Such systems are going through tests in a small number of stores.
4. 商店的讀卡器無法掃描卡的磁條。
The store's card reader failed to scan the card's magnetic strip.
5. 他走進商店,買了一把野花的種子。
He walked into the shop, bought a handful of wild flower seeds (種子).
6. 幾天後,他在商店遇見了一個鄰居。
A few days late the he met a neighbor at the store.
7. 它們就是這樣被運送到商店的。
That's how they're shipped to stores.
8. 商店裡的那個人是布朗先生的朋友。
The man in the shop was Mr. Brown's friend.
9. 你可以在餐館和商店少付錢。
With the card, you can pay less at restaurants and shops.
10. 食物和你在傳統商店裡買的一模一樣。
The food is exactly the same as the stuff you buy in a conventional shop.
名詞 shop; store
1. 這家商店八點半打烊。
The shop closes at 20:30.
2. 他在西安開了一家小商店。
He keeps a shop/runs a small business in Xi'an.
3. 在一家商店工作
work at/in a shop
4. 自助商店
self-service shop
5. 日夜商店
day-and-night shop; 24-hour shop; all-night shop
6. 禮品/特產商店
gift/specialty shop
7. 兒童用品商店
children's goods shop
8. 保健食品商店
health-food shop
9. 開辦商店
set up a shop
10. 經營商店
manage/run a shop
11. 關閉商店
close down a shop