親戚的英文 親戚用英語怎麼說?
relative adj.相關的;比較的;互比的;相對的;關係的;由關係詞引導的;調號相同的;相應的
relation n.關係;關聯;親戚;姻親;講述;敘述;往來;性關係
常用 權威
1. 串親戚
go visiting one's relatives
2. 遠房親戚
distant relative
3. 攀親戚
claim kinship; call cousins with
4. 一門親戚
a set of relatives
5. 拉親戚關係
claim kinship
6. 瞧親戚
visit a relative
7. 有鄉下親戚
have a country relative
1. 事實上,馬是它們最近的親戚。
In fact, horses are their nearest relatives.
2. 兒童節那天,蒂姆從親戚那裡得到了四個玩具。
Tim got four toys from his relatives on Children's Day.
3. 如果你沒有朋友或親戚,試著參加幾個線上社群。
If you have no friends or relatives, try to participate in several online communities.
4. 我所有的親戚都會去,當然還有我哥哥那些糟糕的朋友。
All my relatives are gonna be there, as well as my brother's horrible friends, of course.
5. 在家進行力量訓練或伸展運動時,與親戚進行影片聊天。
FaceTime with a relative as you strength train or stretch at home.
6. 在中國,當我們邀請朋友或親戚時,我們總是請他們吃一頓大餐。
In China, when we invite friends or relatives, we always treat them to a big dinner.
7. 這孩子父母雙亡後由親戚託管。
The child was left in the care of his relatives after his parents died.
8. 農閒時節,我多走了幾家親戚。
During the slack season in farming, I paid several more visits to our relatives.
9. 戰爭年代,他們到海外親戚處去逃難。
During the war, they took refuge with their overseas relatives.
10. 她走了走親戚,散了散心。
She visited some of her relatives and diverted herself from boredom.
親戚(Relatives),拼音為qīn qi,漢語詞語,指有血統或婚姻關係的人;父母及兄弟或內外親屬。
《親戚》是由尼基塔·米哈爾科夫執導,Ye. Kuritsina、T. Kudrina、Rimma Markova、A. Miushin等主演的電影,於1983年1月7日在芬蘭上映。 本片講述土生土長的農村婦女瑪利亞到坐火車莫斯科探望女兒尼娜,在旅途中她遇到了一個“留著小鬍子的公民”,兩人談得甚為投機,並約定到莫斯科後再次聚會。故事就這樣展開了.......
名詞 relative; relation
1. 凡是和我母親有親戚關係的人我都覺得親切。
Every creature that bears any affinity to my mother is dear to me.
2. 我們兩家是親戚。
Our two families are relatives.
3. 遠房親戚
distant relative
4. 走親戚
pay a call on a relative
5. 攀親戚
claim kinship; call cousins with
6. 一門親戚
a set of relatives