例如的英文 例如用英語怎麼說?
for example 例如
for instance 例如
like prep.像;相似;類似;例如;好比;如同;符合…的方式;能料想到的;有…特點的
such as 諸如…之類的, 例如, 那種的, 像…的, 那些人
e.g. abbr.例如
i.e. abbr.即;換而言之
take for example 舉個例子;譬如;例如
give an example 舉個例子
常用 權威
1. 例如,他們可以為我們提供豬肉。
For example, they can provide us with pork.
2. 例如,你的名字或你愛人的名字。
For example, your name or your sweetheart 's name.
3. 例如,西安和杭州的茶廣為人知。
For example, Xi'an and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.
4. 例如,鞦韆可能最終會變成垃圾。
The swings, for example, will probably just end up as litter.
5. 例如,他們可能會放棄困難的課程。
For instance, they may drop difficult coursework.
6. 例如,機械臂用於非常危險的任務。
For example, robotic arms are used for very dangerous tasks.
7. 例如,一些蜘蛛只生產一根線。
For example some spiders produce a single thread.
8. 例如,字母A是螞蟻、蘋果或斧頭。
For instance, the letter A was ant or apple or ax.
9. 例如,他不喜歡醫生的白大褂。
For example, he didn't like the doctor's white coats.
10. 有時,我們會有財務風險,例如買房。
Sometimes, we take financial risks, such as buying a house.
[for example;for instance; such as; the case in point is] 比如。 連詞很多,例如“和”、“而”、“或者”、“不但”、“因為”、“所以”等。
動詞 take for example/instance
1. 繪畫技法有多種,例如油畫、水彩畫、碳素畫、中國的水墨畫等。
There are many painting techniques such as oil painting, watercolour, charcoal, Chinese ink painting, etc.