要求的英文 要求用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



ask v.問;詢問;請求…做;要求… 給予;邀請;要價;索價;四處打聽;詢問…的健康;要求

demand n.強制性要求;要求;緊迫的要求;需求

require v.需要;有賴於;要求;規定;想要;想得到;使需要;使必要;指示…做某事;命令

requirement n.要求;必要條件;必需品

claim v.自稱;聲稱;斷言;要求;索取;認領;聲稱已獲得;索賠;需要;值得

常用 權威



1. 要求補償

claim compensation

2. 要求特權

claim a privilege

3. 領土要求

territorial claim

4. 工藝要求

technological requirement/specification

5. 要求服從

demand obedience

6. 符合要求

comply with the requirements

7. 合法要求

lawful claim

8. 上市要求

listing requirement

9. 強硬要求

hard-line demand

10. 驗收要求

acceptance requirement (AR)

11. 要求救援

demand a rescue

12. 一再要求

make repeated requests

13. 不當要求

unwarranted demand

14. 要求自治

demand autonomy

15. 要求獨立

demand independence

16. 體例要求

style requirement

17. 要求休庭

request an adjournment

18. 放寬要求

ease the requirements (for)

19. 竭力要求

push one's claims

20. 質量要求

quality requirement


1. 要求他們的孩子使用合法的藥物。

Ask their children to use legitimate medicines.

2. 他們試圖滿足宇航員的特殊要求

They tried to meet astronaut's specific requirements.

3. 他的作品要求表演者表現出勇氣。

His compositions demand the performer to show courage.

4. 客人有權要求關掉它(攝像頭)。

Guests have a right to ask that it be turned off.

5. 他們就重大損失要求損害賠償。

They claimed damages for their heavy losses.

6. 他們被要求與其他創造者合作。

They were required to cooperate with other creators.

7. 對課桌和教室的燈光也有要求

There are also requirements for desks and classroom lights.

8. 斯蒂爾有可能誇大了她的日程要求

It's possible that Steel is exaggerating the demands of her schedule.

9. 我們被要求整個夏天只說法語。

We were required to speak only French all summer.

10. 上週,他被要求上交他的科學報告。

He was required to hand in his science report last week.



要求(英文:ask),讀音yāo qiú,漢語詞語,指提出具體事項或願望,希望做到或實現;也指所提出的具體願望或條件。例句有“哥哥大學畢業後,懇切要求到西藏工作”。 相關古文有“下垂釣於溪谷兮,上要求於仙者。”出自漢代嚴忌《哀時命》。近義詞有呼籲、號召、央求。反義詞有建議。



動詞 ask; demand; require

1. 男人對內衣的要求和對女人的要求一樣,要一點支援,還有要一點自由。

Men want the same thing from their underwear that they want from women: a little bit of support, and a little bit of freedom.

2. 經理要求大家都到會。

The manager demands/requires that everyone attend the meeting. / The manager requests everybody to attend the meeting.

3. 繪畫不僅要求形似,而且要求神似。

Painters aim at a likeness not only in appearance, but also in spirit.

4. 對他不要要求過高。

Don't ask too much of him.

5. 要求退款

demand a refund

6. 要求賠償

claim/demand compensation (for sth)

7. 要求結賬/漲工資

ask for the bill/a pay rise

8. 要求服從

demand obedience

9. 要求答覆/道歉

demand an answer/apology (from/of sb)

10. 要求立刻辭職

request sb's immediate resignation

11. 要求穿禮服

require formal dress

名詞 requirement; demand; claim

1. 這是黨對黨員的要求。

That's what the Party asks of its members.

2. 我們的所有產品都達到了質量要求。

All our products have fulfilled quality requirements.

3. 應廣大觀眾要求

at the request of the audience

4. 一再要求

make repeated requests

5. 基本/特殊/最低要求

fundamental/particular/minimum requirements

6. 過分/過高的要求

excessive/exorbitant demands

7. 合法/合理/正當要求

legitimate/reasonable/just demands

8. 同意要求

agree to sb's demand (for)

9. 提出要求

present one's demands; put forward/advance a claim; make demands (on/of sb)

10. 適應市場經濟的要求

meet the demands of the market economy

11. 滿足要求

meet/satisfy a demand; fulfil one's requirements

12. 拒絕要求

turn down/decline/deny/reject a request

13. 降低要求

modify/moderate one's demands

14. 符合要求

comply with the requirements

15. 放棄要求

give up/renounce a claim; drop one's demand (for)

16. 放寬要求

ease the requirements (for)

17. 答應要求

grant sb's demands

18. 達到要求

fulfil/meet the requirements (for/of)

19. 撤回要求

withdraw one's request
