年輕的英文 年輕用英語怎麼說?
young adj.年輕的;年紀輕的;年青的;幼小的;初期的
youthful adj.年輕的;年輕似的;青年的;具有青年特性的
常用 權威
1. 年輕人
youth; young man; youngster; the young
2. 年輕力壯
young and vigorous
3. 年輕氣盛
be young and impetuous;be young and aggressive
4. 年輕化
5. 年輕心盛
be young and ambitious
6. 腐化年輕人
corrupt the youth
7. 相貌年輕
youthful-looking; look young
8. 年輕小夥子
teen-ager; adolescent
9. 人口年輕化
rejuvenation of population
10. 年輕有為
be young and promising;young and promising
11. 年輕能幹
be young and capable; be young and competent
12. 誘掖年輕人
guide and encourage young people
13. 愛護年輕一代
care for the young generation
14. 年輕而有才華
young and talented
15. 斯文的年輕人
refined young man
16. 年輕的國家
young nation
17. 年輕的心
young heart
18. 引誘年輕人幹壞事
tempt youngsters into wrongdoings
19. 怪里怪氣的年輕人
weird youth; eccentric young man
20. 有出息的年輕人
promising young people
1. 接管日為年輕人提供了這個機會。
Takeover Day offers young people this chance.
2. 更年輕的一代對舒適騎行的追求。
The younger generation's pursuit of comfortable riding.
3. 招募對教育孩子有熱情的年輕人。
Recruiting young men who have a passion for education young children.
4. 現在年輕人在家做飯比老年人少。
Young people do less cooking at home than the elderly these days.
5. \當然,\年輕女孩們欣然同意。
\Certainly,\ the young girls readily agreed.
6. 現在,很多年輕人就像草莓一樣。
Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries.
7. 但現在他們得到了年輕人的認可。
But now they are recognized by young people.
8. 彈鋼琴的年輕人也恰巧更有野心。
The youngsters who play the piano also happen to be more ambitious.
9. 它們沒有反映年輕女孩們的願望。
They do not reflect young girls' aspirations.
10. 許多年輕人從未體驗過家庭生活。
Lots of young people have never experienced home-life.
年輕是一箇中性的詞語,拼音:niánqīng ,它指年紀不大(多指十七八歲至三十歲出頭),強調相對來說年齡處於較小的狀態。年輕是我們衝鋒陷陣的資本。
形詞 young; youthful
1. 我年輕的時候愛跳舞。
I was fond of dancing in my younger days. / I enjoyed dancing when I was young.
2. 他顯得很年輕。
He looks very young for his age. / He doesn't look his age at all.
3. 年輕有年輕的好處。
Youth will be served.
4. 年輕一代
the younger/rising generation
5. 年輕小夥子
teen-ager; adolescent
6. 年輕的心
young heart
7. 年輕的學科
young science/discipline
8. 年輕的國家
young nation
9. 相貌年輕
youthful-looking; look young
形詞 null