代表的英文 代表用英語怎麼說?
represent v.代表;構成;相當於;描繪;描述;描寫;明確講述;清楚說明;體現
embody v.使(思想;品質;情感)具體化;體現;包括;包含;收錄;編入;把(人)組織起來;賦予(精神)以實體
representative adj.有代表性的;典型的;代表的;代議的;表現的;體現的;表象的;代表制的;代議制的;具象派的
deputy n.副手;代理人;議會議員;礦區安全主任
delegate n.代表;會議代表;委員會成員
常用 權威
1. 代表隊
representative team
2. 代表權
3. 代表性
representativeness; representation
4. 代表處
representative office
5. 代表團
delegation; deputation; mission
6. 代表制
7. 代表作
masterpiece; representative work
8. 友好代表團
goodwill mission; friendship delegation
9. 派遣代表團
send a delegation
10. 代表團團員
member of a delegation
11. 女代表
woman delegate;woman delegate;woman delegate
12. 法定代表
legal representative
13. 傑出代表
prominent representative
14. 商務代表
commercial representative;business/commercial/trade representative
15. 私人代表
personal representative
16. 物理課代表
student representative of physics
17. 雙重代表權
dual representation
18. 比例代表制
proportional representation (PR)
19. 召回代表
recall the representative
20. 特邀代表
specially invited representative
1. 她不應該是少女時代的唯一代表。
She should not be the sole representation of girlhood.
2. 股票經紀人被用來代表鐵路旅客。
The stockbroker is used to stand for rail travelers.
3. 我也喜歡紫色,因為它代表神秘。
I also like purple because it stands for mystery.
4. 唐裝代表著中國的歷史和時尚文化。
The Tang Costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture.
5. 在中國,它們代表幸福和好運。
They stand for happiness and good luck in China.
6. 他們在電視和電影中未被充分代表。
They are most underrepresented across TV and film.
7. 地圖圖例符號代表不同的位置。
The symbols of the map key stand for different places.
8. 他們代表了幾乎各行各業的人。
They represent people from virtually all walks of life.
9. 它忽視了代表左撇子的運動。
It has ignored campaigns on behalf of the left-handed.
10. 我也代表我的團隊說聲抱歉。
I would also like to say sorry on behalf of(代表) my group.
詞語:代表 注音:dài biǎo 英文:Delegate
動詞 represent; stand/act for
1. 這個符號代表什麼?
What does this symbol stand for?
2. 更廣泛地代表人民
represent people more broadly
3. 代表部長講話
speak for the minister; deliver a speech on behalf of the minister
4. 代表人民的利益
stand for/represent the interests of the people
5. 代表地區/國家/政府
represent one's district/country/government
動詞 embody; represent
1. 代表時代精神
embody the spirit of the era
名詞 representative
1. 中國駐聯合國代表
China's representative to the United Nations
2. 銷售代表
sales representative
3. 商務代表
commercial representative
4. 選舉代表
elect an representative
5. 派代表
send one's representative (to)
名詞 deputy; delegate
1. 正式代表
official delegate
2. 與會代表
conference delegate
3. 特別代表
special delegate/representative
4. 首席代表
chief delegate
5. 人大代表
deputy to the National People's Congress; NPC deputy
6. 全權代表
delegate plenipotentiary; plenipotentiary
7. 列席代表
nonvoting delegate
8. 官方代表
official representative/delegate
9. 大會代表
delegate to the convention