天氣的英文 天氣用英語怎麼說?
weather n.天氣;自然力;惡劣天氣;上風面;向風側
skies n.天空;(sky的複數)
常用 權威 詞彙拓展
1. 天氣學
synoptic meteorology
2. 天氣圖
weather map/chart; synoptic chart
3. 災害性天氣
disastrous weather
4. 地面天氣圖
surface map
5. 多雲的天氣
cloudy day
6. 天氣乾燥
dry weather
7. 預測天氣
forecast the weather (for)
8. 險惡天氣
treacherous weather (conditions); foul weather
9. 天氣預報
weather forecast
10. 天氣晴和
bright sunny day
11. 秋涼天氣
cool autumn weather
12. 天氣清朗
cool and bright weather
13. 好天氣
fine weather
14. 海平面天氣圖
sea-level chart
15. 趕上壞天氣
run into bad weather
16. 揚沙天氣
dust and sand weather
17. 梅雨天氣
rainy weather
18. 風暴天氣
stormy skies
19. 極端天氣
extreme weather; extreme weather conditions; weather extremes
20. 溼冷的天氣
cold and damp weather
1. 它讓他在寒冷的天氣裡保持溫暖。
It keeps him warm in the freezing weather.
2. 華雷斯的天氣已經變得無法忍受。
The weather here in Juárez has become unbearable.
3. 如果明天天氣好,我們就去爬山。
We will go climbing tomorrow if the weather is fine(晴朗的).
4. 天氣預報員說下星期才出太陽。
The weatherman said the sun wouldn't come out until next week.
5. 極度寒冷的天氣和缺氧是兩大困難。
Terribly cold weather and too little oxygen(氧氣)were two main difficulties.
6. 今天真是一個讓人愉快的天氣。
It's such a lovely day.
7. 消費者想象他們在不同天氣下活動。
Consumers visualize their activities in different weather.
8. 因為糟糕的天氣,航班延誤了。
The flight was delayed because of the bad weather.
9. 在我的家鄉,天氣非常寒冷。
My hometown is very cold.
10. 由於罕見寒冷的天氣,沒有什麼生意。
It did little business because of the unusual cold weather.
天氣是指經常不斷變化著的大氣狀態,既是一定時間和空間內的大氣狀態,也是大氣狀態在一定時間間隔內的連續變化。所以可以理解為天氣現象和天氣過程的統稱。天氣現象是指發生在大氣中發生的各種自然現象,即某瞬時內大氣中各種氣象要素(如氣溫、氣壓、溼度、風、雲、霧、雨、雪、霜、雷、雹、酸雨等)空間分佈的綜合表現。天氣過程就是一定地區的天氣現象隨時間的變化過程。 天氣是指某一個地方距離地表較近的大氣層在短時間內的具體狀態。而天氣現象則是指發生在大氣中發生的各種自然現象,即某瞬時內大氣中各種氣象要素(如氣溫、氣壓、溼度、風、雲、霧、雨、雪、霜、雷、雹等)空間分佈的綜合表現。天氣就是一定地區的天氣現象隨時間的變化過程。
名詞 weather; skies
1. 這正是打羽毛球的好天氣。
It's pretty good badminton weather.
2. 我們等到天氣好些再說。
We are waiting until the weather picks up a bit.
3. 今天天氣很好。
It is a fine day today.
4. 到傍晚,天氣轉涼了。
Towards evening, it became cooler.
5. 天氣放晴了。
The weather has cleared up. / It has cleared up.
6. 天氣變得寒冷而多風。
The weather has turned cold and windy.
7. 好天氣
fine weather
8. 颳風/下雨天氣
windy/rainy weather
9. 風暴天氣
stormy skies
10. 天氣宜人
agreeable/comfortable weather
11. 天氣晴朗
serene/clear weather; sunny skies
12. 天氣暖和/寒冷
warm/cold weather
13. 天氣乾燥
dry weather
14. 天氣惡劣
harsh/bad weather
15. 預報天氣
forecast/predict weather
名詞 time (of the day)
1. 現在是三更天氣。
It's midnight now.
2. 天氣不早了,快回家吧。
It's getting late and we'd better hurry home.
1. 晴朗的 sunny [ˈsʌni]
2. 陰天的 cloudy [ˈklaʊdi]
3. 下雨的 rainy [reɪn]
4. 下雪的 snowy [ˈsnəʊi]
5. 颳風的 windy [ˈwɪndi]
6. 有霧的 foggy [ˈfɒɡi]
7. 霾 haze [heɪz]
8. 陣雨 shower [ˈʃaʊə]
9. 暴風雨 storm [stɔːm]
10. 暴風雪 blizzard [ˈblɪzəd]
11. 冰雹 hail [heɪl]
12. 霜凍的 frosty [ˈfrɒsti]
13. 沙塵暴 sandstorm [ˈsændstɔːm]
14. 微風 breeze [briːz]
15. 大風 gale [ɡeɪl]
16. 颶風 hurricane [ˈhʌrɪkən]
17. 龍捲風 tornado [tɔːˈneɪdəʊ]
18. 颱風 typhoon [taɪˈfuːn]