穿過的英文 穿過用英語怎麼說?
through prep. & adv.穿過;從…一端到另一端;一直到底;達到…的末尾;完成;從頭到尾檢查;直至;經由;接通電話;以
across prep. & adv.從…一邊到另一邊;橫過;越過;對過;寬;橫向字謎答案
traverse v.橫越;穿過;來回移動;斜向移動;否認;反駁;橫跨;橫亙;走Z字形路線爬山;橫線下
pass through 穿過;透過;經過
1. 穿過迷宮
go through a labyrinth
2. 穿過雲層
break through the clouds
3. 穿過村莊
pass through a village
4. 穿過森林
walk through a forest
5. 穿過赤道
cross the equator
6. 穿過街道
cross the street
7. 匆匆穿過馬路
hurry across a road
8. 飛速穿過隧道
shoot a tunnel
9. 把金屬線穿過管子
thread a pipe with wire
1. 一個水池從南到北穿過石山方花園。
A pool runs from south to north through the garden of Pian Shi Shan Fang.
2. 他們可以穿過城鎮,欣賞古老的建築。
They can walk through the town and admire the old buildings.
3. 最快的疏散路線是穿過急流。
The fastest evacuation route was through river rapids.
4. \好!我可以穿過門進入花園,\她說。
\Good! I can go through the door into the garden,\ she said.
5. 亞歷克斯是唯一一隻能穿過它的長頸鹿。
Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.
6. 每天穿過它們的鞋子數量。
The number of shoes that pass through them every day.
7. 它們可以迅速穿過瀉湖。
They can move swiftly across lagoons.
8. 當約翰和我穿過操場時,我感到欣喜若狂。
I was walking on air as John and I crossed the playground.
9. 想象一下,去上學或上班的路上要穿過50000人。
Imagine, navigating through 50, 000 people while on the way to school or to work.
10. 不要抄近路穿過黑暗的地區,即使這會讓你的旅行快得多。
Do not take a short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster.
【詞語】:穿過 【注音】:chuān guò 【釋義】:1.從…一邊走到另一邊。如:穿過佈雷區。2.橫過,越過或從…上延伸過。如:穿過花園的一條小徑。3.延展到或佔據某一空間或地點。如:一條小道穿過山谷。4.克服阻力而進入。如:釘子…夠長的,足以穿過絕緣部分。5.指氣流透過。如:微風穿過房間。