出生的英文 出生用英語怎麼說?
be born 出生
常用 權威
1. 出生地
birthplace; place of birth
2. 出生率
birth rate
3. 出生證
birth certificate;birth certificate
4. 八月出生
be born in August
5. 人口出生率
birth rate
6. 出生統計
birth statistics
7. 出生貧苦
be born in(to) poverty
8. 出生登記
registration of birth
9. 平民出生
of humble birth
10. 同胎出生
born at the same birth
11. 出生順序
birth order
12. 出生日期
date of birth;birthdate; date of birth
13. 出生國籍
nationality by birth
14. 剛出生的嬰兒
newborn baby; newborn
1. 他們的第一個孩子出生於一月份。
They had their first born in January.
2. 孩子出生
She will probably get well again after the birth of the baby.
3. 他從出生起就是一個非凡的人。
He was an extraordinary (非凡的)person since he was born.
4. 他於1254年出生在義大利。
He was born in Italy in 1254.
5. 他於1518年出生在湖北。
He was born in Hubei in 1518.
6. 林肯的四個兒子中有三個出生在這裡。
Three of the four Lincoln sons were born here.
7. 但要知道他出生的確切日期是不可能的。
But it is impossible to know the exact day on which he was born.
8. 海豚一出生就能互相交流。
Dolphins can communicate with each other at birth.
9. 女兒出生三週後,她的母親接受了採訪。
Her mother was interviewed, three weeks after her daughter's birth.
10. 世界上近75%的火烈鳥出生在這個地方。
It's the place where nearly 75 percent of the world's flamingos (火烈鳥) are born.
出生,讀音chū shēng,漢語詞語,指的是胎兒從母體中生出來,也指事物的產生。例句有“托爾斯泰出生在一個貴族家庭”。 相關古文有“忠臣亦然。苟便於主,利於國,無敢辭違,殺身出生以徇之。”出自《呂氏春秋·忠廉》,相關近義詞有誕生、出世、出身,反義詞有物化、作古、去逝。
動詞 be born
1. 這個國家的死亡人數超過出生人數。
The country's deaths are exceeding births.
2. 這個嬰兒出生時重8磅。
The baby weighed eight pounds at birth.
3. 女兒出生時她十分歡喜。
She was filled with elation when her daughter was born.
4. 同胎出生
born at the same birth
5. 出生順序
birth order
6. 出生日期
date of birth