透過的英文 透過用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-02



go through 經歷, 遭受;仔細(或挨個)搜尋;被正式批准;用光;被連續出版;匆忙離開以躲避責任;潛逃

cross n.十字形(或叉形)記號;十字形物;十字架;雜種;側向的移動;磨難;混合物;叉

traverse v.橫越;穿過;來回移動;斜向移動;否認;反駁;橫跨;橫亙;走Z字形路線爬山;橫線下

adopt v.收養;採用;採納;選擇定居於;遷居;採取;把… 選為公職候選人;透過;正式批准;接受

carry v.抬;搬運;運送;支撐;承載;具有;把(觀點;活動)推向;使延續;以多數同意批准;刊登;播送;廣播;可傳到

through prep. & adv.穿過;從…一端到另一端;一直到底;達到…的末尾;完成;從頭到尾檢查;直至;經由;接通電話;以

by prep.由;被;憑藉;用;透過;以…之差;相差…;到…之前;不遲於;在…旁邊;靠近;在…的時候;關於;根據;以… 的名義

by means of 透過;依靠

by way of 透過...的方式;透過...的途徑;按...方式

常用 權威



1. 透過法規

pass a statute

2. 透過中試

pass the pre-production test

3. 討論透過

be adopted after deliberation

4. 透過憲法

ratify a constitution;adopt a constitution

5. 透過提案

pass a motion

6. 透過高考

pass the college entrance examination

7. 透過章程

adopt a constitution

8. 無害透過

innocent/inoffensive passage

9. 透過障礙物

break the barriers

10. 透過安檢

go through a security check

11. 鼓掌透過

approve by acclamation

12. 透過口試

pass one's oral test

13. 透過哨卡

pass a checkpoint

14. 透過試工

pass one's probation

15. 透過法律

pass a law

16. 運球透過

dribble the ball through

17. 透過檢疫

pass a quarantine

18. 透過抽籤分配

portion by lot

19. 輕鬆透過考試

waltz through an exam

20. 透過一項決定

pass a resolution


1. 其他一切都很難透過實驗來完成。

Everything else is really difficult to do experimentally.

2. 人們可以透過接受教育學會感恩。

People can be educated to be grateful.

3. 透過參考不同的來源來核實新聞。

Verify news by referring to diverse sources.

4. 透過電子郵件向男士或女士提問。

By emailing questions to the man or the woman.

5. 透過在收銀機中輸入信用卡號碼。

By typing the credit card number into the cash register.

6. 透過提高學生批判性思維的能力。

By enhancing students' ability to think in a critical way.

7. 透過設計適合他們需要的系統。

By designing systems that suit their needs.

8. 透過分離相關和不相關的資料。

By separating relevant from irrelevant data.

9. 他們將透過諮詢重新獲得信心。

They will regain confidence with counselling.

10. 透過減少她在學校的教學時間。

By reducing her teaching hours at school.



透過(英文:pass),讀音:tōng guò,漢語詞語。指通行,穿過。又指議案等經過發定人數的同意而成立。還指以人或事物為媒介或手段達到某種目的。例句有“代表們認真討論並且一致通過了決議”。 相關句子有“透過湯阿英,還可以影響細紗間的女工。”出自周而復《上海的早晨》。近義詞有始末、議定、議決。反義詞有淘汰、阻塞、否決。



動詞 go through; pass (through); cross; traverse

1. 路太窄,汽車不能透過。

The road is too narrow for motor vehicles to pass through.

2. 僅幾分鐘我們就通過了海關。

It took us only a few minutes to get through the customs.

3. 隊伍通過了沙漠。

The troops crossed the desert.

4. 電流透過導線。

Electricity passes through the wires.

5. 透過障礙物

break the barriers

6. 透過敵人的封鎖線

get through the enemy blockage

7. 透過邊境

pass the frontier; cross the border

動詞 (of a motion, bill, etc) pass; adopt; carry

1. 議案終於透過。

The bill at last went through.

2. 提案獲一致透過。

The proposal was carried/passed unanimously. / There was a solid vote in favour of the proposal.

3. 他的發明通過了專家/技術鑑定。

His invention has passed the experts'appraisal/technical tests.

4. 產品透過檢驗。

The products passed inspection.

5. 以壓倒多數透過

pass by overwhelming majority

6. 舉手透過

pass (a resolution, etc) by a show of hands

7. 獲鼓掌透過

be carried with acclamation

8. 透過憲法

adopt a constitution

9. 透過考試

pass an examination/a test

10. 透過決議

carry/pass/adopt a resolution

11. 透過法律

pass/adopt a law

介詞 through; by; by means of; by way of

1. 錢是我透過一位朋友送去的。

I sent the money by the hands of a friend.

2. 透過我父親的一位相識,我才認識了她。

I got to know her through an acquaintance of my father's.

3. 透過正當手段

by fair means

4. 透過外交途徑

through diplomatic channels

5. 透過實踐檢驗真理

verify truth through practice

6. 透過譯員進行談話

have conversation through an interpreter

7. 透過對話解決爭端

settle a dispute through dialogues

動詞 ask the consent/approval (of sb)

1. 任何問題都要透過群眾,才能作出決定。

No decision should be made until the masses have been consulted.

2. 透過領導

be approved by the authorities/leadership
