穿的英文 穿用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-10



penetrate v.刺入;戳入;刺穿;穿透;把陰莖插入(性伴侶的)陰道;為刺探而打入;滲入;打進;打入;洞察

cross n.十字形(或叉形)記號;十字形物;十字架;雜種;側向的移動;磨難;混合物;叉

thread n.線;線狀物;線狀體;螺紋;線索;一線;思路;穿線;一絲

string n.線;細繩;串;纖維;筋;絡;一種假設的亞原子粒子;繩子;帶子

wear v.穿著;戴著;佩著;穿破;穿舊;銷蝕;磨損;耐用;耐久;耐穿;耐磨;使(船頭)轉向下風

put on 穿上;增加(體重);舉辦,展出;開啟(裝置、裝置等);提高......的成本(或價值);(行為舉止)假裝,矯飾

be dressed in 穿著;打扮

clothing n.衣服;服裝

through prep. & adv.穿過;從…一端到另一端;一直到底;達到…的末尾;完成;從頭到尾檢查;直至;經由;接通電話;以

常用 權威



1. 穿耳孔

have one's ears pierced

2. 穿破衣服

wear out one's clothes

3. 穿重孝

be in deep mourning

4. 穿便服

be in civilian dress

5. 穿糖葫蘆

string candied haws

6. 穿裘皮

wear furs

7. 穿新裝

wear new clothes

8. 穿一身黑衣服

be dressed in black

9. 要求穿禮服

require formal dress

10. 斜穿公路

angle across the road

11. 掘穿圍牆

dig through a wall

12. 裡外穿反

wear sth inside out

13. 穿一掛珠子

thread beads on a string

14. 穿睡衣睡覺

sleep in pyjamas

15. 穿便服的軍官

officer in mufti

16. 穿得很風光

be dressed in style

17. 吃穿很差

be badly fed and clothed

18. 穿一身白色衣服

be dressed all in white

19. 穿一條珍珠項鍊

string pearls into a necklace

20. 穿高跟兒鞋

wear (high) heels


1. 兔子太胖了,根本穿不過這個洞。

The rabbit was so fat that it couldn't go through the hole.

2. 穿上你的外套,不然你會感冒的!

Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold!

3. 農民穿上紙靴在雪地裡給腳取暖。

The farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow.

4. 不懂游泳的孩子應該穿救生衣。

Kids who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets.

5. 穿粉紅色衣服的女人不見了。

The woman in pink was nowhere to be seen.

6. 女舞蹈演員經常穿黑色長裙。

A woman dancer often wears a long black dress.

7. 而且你的很多衣服都太小了,穿不了。

And many of your clothes are too small to wear.

8. 我會穿一件帶翅膀的服裝。

I will wear a costume with a pair of wings.

9. 他喜歡每天穿帶花的襯衫。

He liked to wear shirts with flowers on them every day.

10. 它撞穿了木柵欄,消失了。

It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared.






動詞 penetrate; pierce through

1. 釘子穿透了木頭。

The nail penetrated all the way through the wood.

2. 在牆上穿個洞

bore a hole in the wall

3. 穿耳朵眼兒

pierce a hole in the earlobe (for wearing earrings); have one's ears pierced

動詞 pass/go through; cross

1. 橫穿馬路時要小心。

Be careful (in) crossing the street.

2. 在車流中穿進穿出

weave in and out between the traffic

3. 穿大街走小巷

thread/walk/tread streets and alleys

4. 穿過村莊

pass through a village

5. 把金屬線穿過管子

thread a pipe with wire

動詞 thread; string

1. 穿一條珍珠項鍊

string pearls into a necklace

2. 穿一掛珠子

thread beads on a string

3. 穿糖葫蘆

string candied haws

動詞 wear; put on; be dressed in

1. 這件套裝不/很經穿。

The suit wears badly/very well.

2. 這雙鞋我穿太緊。

These shoes are too tight for me.

3. 鞋越穿越松。

The shoes will stretch with wearing.

4. 這件外套穿舊了。

This overcoat is showing its age.

5. 你的套頭毛衣前後穿反了。

You've put on your pullover back to front. / You are wearing your pull-over backwards.

6. 那件髒衣服實在穿不出去。

That dirty dress is not presentable.

7. 裡外穿反

wear sth inside out

8. 貼身穿

wear sth next to the skin

9. 穿紅著綠

wear brightly-coloured/gaily-coloured costume

10. 穿得暖和

be warmly clothed

11. 穿不起

cannot afford to wear

12. 穿長袍禮服

be arrayed in ceremonial robes

13. 穿便服

be in civilian dress

名詞 clothing; things to wear

1. 有吃有穿

have sufficient food and clothing; have enough to eat and wear; be well-provided with food and clothing; live in abundance; live a life of abundance

2. 缺吃少穿

be short of food and clothing; have a scarcity/shortage of food and clothing

副詞 through [used after some verbs]

1. 子彈射穿了她的左肩。

A bullet penetrated her left shoulder.

2. 我們很快看穿了他的偽裝。

We soon penetrated his disguise.

3. 磨穿

be worn through

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